Hello My Darling�?/DIV>
If you are reading this poem
then, the Cancer won!
I had suffered for so long
but my suffering is done
I hope that I passed quietly
and that you were near
I wish I could believe that
you fought back tears
I know if it were you not me
my heart would be broken
You stayed at my side and your
loving words were spoken
I say now my love that which I
couldn’t say during pain
Since I met and fell in love with
you, I’ve never been the same
You have given me every day a
gentle constant reminder
That I was most loved and no one
could have been kinder
You were a gift from God during
our walk together through life
Even in my greatest pain, I felt
the contentment to sigh
I am sorry that you also suffered
for all I went through
But the worst is over darling for
I am in heaven waiting for you
It won’t be easy for you to let go
of all the treasured memories
That bonded two souls together
but you must go on, for me
Life is full of unexpected twists
a road with many turns
While you feel you can’t go on
somehow I hope you’ll learn
© 2002 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
When I Close My Eyes I See
When I close my eyes, I see
the most beautiful woman
I see the smile that made me
draw you close to me
I see every curve in your body
whispering come to me
To lay within your arms as I
feel passion’s electricity
I see kindness, I see compassion
I see the reason for each breath
I see a lover, a friend, someone
who accepted my imperfections
I see the moments when we disagreed
and each fought to win the fight
I see the tears that fell from the
mistaken or misspoken words
I see forgiveness given to me
I see love rekindled, renewed
I see you holding a white rose whose
fragrance made you sigh
I see the love and laughter that
made you a special part of me
Yet sadly, when I open my eyes
I also see one chair, not two
One chair my love where there
used to be two in paradise
For I see your headstone as my
tears continue to fall
© 2003 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
Tear Stained Memories In A Poem
Each of us know that we are
here on earth a short time
Some stay longer, while the
rest of us head home sooner
Tears stain the lines on this
poem as I feel you in my heart
Reminding me of the love you
shared with me devotedly
You stood in my shadow and you
were my strength at times
Moments when I felt discouraged
and a hug was always offered
The softness of your caress sent
shivers clear to my soul
When you kissed my lips, it was
a kiss I hoped would not stop
At each turn in the road of life, you
were there to catch me if I fell
You taught me more about love then
I ever knew was possible
Giving because you wanted to, anxious
for my love and affection
I never disappointed you in the many
ways I coaxed your smile
I thought we’d be watching the years
come and go as we grew old
But you passed away in your sleep
a that cold November day
I still can’t believe you had a heart
defect, neither of us knew it
Neither ever noticed any problem or
if you did, you kept silent
Perhaps to save me from suffering and
in a way you cheated me
You cheated me from making every day
every night, times filled with love
For had I known, I would have waited
on your every need hand and foot
Not like you were an invalid, but to make
you feel you felt deeply loved
I would have tried to give you the memories
that would have lessened your sadness
Moments when we clung to each other as
we made love, and cuddled contentedly
Softly letting my finger tips glide across your
body as your hand touched my face
Listening to your heart beat as my head lay
softly against your chest
So much I would have told you had I known
that our time together was growing short
Now I feel such an emptiness surrounding
me, for every where I look I feel you near
© 2004 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
It’s Been Two Years
It’s been two years my love
since you suddenly passed
The memories of you are still
imbedded in my heart
How could I ever prepare
myself for your passing?
I wanted our last years to
be shared side by side
I feel you looking down at
me with smiling eyes
Knowing that I am doing
my best to be strong
You gave to me that which
I needed most, your love
Your warmth, your comfort
I have never once forgotten
The Christmas’s the Easter’s
the walks and the talks
The times you held me close
and wiped away my tears
I wish God could have let me
keep you a bit longer
Or given me some idea you’d
have to go to heaven first
I love you sweetheart, and I
hope you know that too
Because you gave to me that
happiness I will never forget
© 2004 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
Jesus Whispered Hi!
Jesus walked in the garden
and found her there
A child he called home and
he called out to her
“Hi my little one, oh what
beautiful flowers�?BR>She smiled at him with love
and reached for a rose
She smelled it first to be
sure it smelled wonderful
Then he picked her up and
held her as she giggled
Her tiny arms hugged Jesus
as only a child could
When he let her down again
she returned to her task
Picking only the most beautiful
flowers as she waited
She waited for her momma to
be called as she wiped a tear
© 2002 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)
Her Favorite Bench
To an ordinary person this bench
is old and of not much use
But for Emily, it was her favorite
place to look across the lake
And as she stroked her brush on
her canvas, how she’d smile
For she saw things I couldn’t and
her paintings came alive
Regardless of the scene she painted
I looked on with amazement
For she had the vision within her mind
which even she couldn’t explain
It’s been two years since she passed
away, yet her favorite bench remains
Surrounded by the flowers I planted
the flowers I still care and nurture
There are times when I glance out
the living room window and see her
Looking my direction, waving at me
with her paint brush in her hand
It’s funny how you can love someone
so deeply, they’re not really gone
I will always remember the love she
shared with me as my tears fall
© 2004 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)