Hi there! I am new to this group.
My name is Ellen and I reside in Central Florida. I am 39 years old, married and have one daughter, who is thirteen (going on 20).
My family is rounded out by two crazy hounds from hell....our Dalmatians, Toby and Chevy. We also have three cats and a tank of fish.
I am a stay at home mother and am starting to get bored with this role. I am thinking of returning to the workforce pretty soon. I have been doing some research into something part time and fun. I am hoping something interesting comes along pretty soon.
Other than my family...I love playing backgammon, gin rummy, going to the beach, shopping (especially online), and I am trying my hand recently at home decorating/renovating (with mixed results). It keeps me busy either way! LOL
I joined this board to meet interesting people and broaden my horizons a bit. I have been a stay at home mom for so long, it seems like I have kinda lost touch with the world. I am eager to get back into things!