I am 64 years young, retired from nursing, design and build websites, create most of my own graphics, restore photos, write poetry, prose and non fiction and my dog thinks my fingers must be stuck to this keyboard but I have two computers (1 desktop and 1 laptop). Texas is my "home" state however I consider Hawai'i more home for me and I really do regret leaving. My last nursing position was as a special needs nurse at an elementary school in Waikiki. A dream job made in heaven and I miss it. A knee injury is why I am back in Texas. Mistake..........
I am single and looking, tired of living alone, been widowed since 1987. When I find out how to post an image with a post I will upload information about my dog. Otherwise you may read about her in my website. There is a section devoted just for her.
My dream would be to be able to travel the world. I've been to Rome, Madrid, lived in Hawai'i, been to Newfoundland and Goose Bay, Labrador, Mazatlan Old Mexico and lived in several of these United States. I dearly miss the ocean. Lakeside living would be great too. I've a close friend whose view every day is Toledo Bend Lake.
Meke Aloha ke Akua (pronounced may kay ah low ha kay ah coo ah and means with love of God) a hui hou, until we meet again.
I may decide to switch my id here to my pen name since I will be posting some of my poetry here. Moonlightflower