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Shared Writing : Jessica's Diary! Part 3
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From: MSN NicknameBetween_Lines_And_Verses  (Original Message)Sent: 4/6/2008 11:26 PM
The Tulsa Police Pricinct was chaos, when the 4 people burst through the front door, screaming, wild
eyed, terrified, all talking 90 miles an hour of a murder. Officer's were rushing up to the counter, from the
conference room, trying to calm the 3 women and 1 man down. Because of the confusion, I assigned an
officer to take a report from each witness, and to report to me as quickly as possible. It was clear that
what ever these people had seen, it was terrible, and that they were distraught. I called the police psychologist, 
Sgt. Baker to the lobby immediately.
Within an hour I had each witness statement regarding an alleged murder of a John Appleton, and I had the 
time and location. What unravelled before my eyes was a theory I had been working on fince the family had
been murdered, last week. I had not discussed my theory of a demon, or spirit being the prime suspect to my
superiors. Like many unsolved murders, the case simply remains open until it is solved, which in some cases
can be 30 years. The Statute of limitations does not run out for the crime of murder.
But this was no ordinary murder. two parents and three children were brutally murdered, and now, according
to witesses, a third adult was dead. However, there was a piece of evidence, not discovered at the crime scene,
by myself ot the other detective working the case, a personal diary. The diary belonged to Jessica Stacy, and I
had already confirmed the hand-writing was in fact Jessica's. Before I headed to the crime scene, with a swat
team, I wanted to read her diary from beginning to end. I didn't know what I was going to find, in the basement,
or in any other room, but I wasn't going to rush in blindly.
I called Sgt. Olson, and informed him we had a tactical situation and want his men suited up within 20 minutes
and to notify me when they were at their van. I notified the watch commander of where we were going, and the
barest details possible at this point. After I read Jessica's diary, I opened the file and looked over the photographs
of the basement door, the deep claw like marks. I looked at the boards and nail holes meant to keep something
from leaving the basement, or.... aomeone from going into the basement.
I took my radio out of the charger, just as the phone rang, and Sgt. Olson said he and his men were ready. I 
walked out into the police parking lot, and approached the swat van, as 5 officers looked at me anxiously.
Every assignment, every location, has a different set of circumstances, scenerio's and of course endings! I
took Sgt. Olson aside for the moment and gave a background of what had originally happened at the location
we were going to. I also updated him regarding what occurred today.
I held in my hand copies of the layout of the house, doors, windows, where each room was located. I showed
him the photo's that made his jaw drop open. When we had finished discussing our options, he nodded and we
joined the swat team. All were seasoned officer's, well trained, heavily armed, and hand picked for their
psychological adeptness to crisis situations. I wanted Sgt. Olson to address his men, but he told me, that I
should explain, and nervously I began.
"Each of you I am sure are aware of the murder of the Jacobson family on Larch Lane last week... and I
saw them nod! Well, according to witnesses packing up the belongings of that family, one of them was
murdered a short whileago, at that same location. However, this house raid you are about to go on, is
unlike anything you have ever encountered'. I handed out the pictures of the basement door, the damage,
claw marks, and spoke again. "Something is is the basement gentlemen, and whether you believe in spooks,
ghosts, or demons, isn't important. I'm telling you, I have four witnesses in the station right now that are
terrified to death. There is no question all of them are going to need mental health counseling".
"What they saw in that house, is beyond anything you have encountered. You may not find anything, and
you may... you may be in for the fight of your life". As Sgt. Olson went over the layout of the house with
his team, I paced back and forth next to the van. I radioed for a marked car to meet me at the swat van.
Within a few minutes, Sgt. Olson said his team was ready, and the uniformed officer and his car were
waiting for me. I notified dispatch of where we were going and officers switched to tact 2 on our radio's.
When we turned on the street, near the house, I pulled over to the curb and stopped. The swat van pulled
in right behind me.  I spoke to Sgt. Olson and asked him how he wanted to handle the house search?
Based on what we knew, he felt the most effective way to enter the house was through the front door and
kitchen door at the same time, and converge on the basement door. He said two officer's would do a room
to room search as a standard precaution, with he and two officer's proceeding to the basement door. The
uniformed officer and myself were to enter through the front door, as quietly as possible, and wait inside,
till the swat team was in view.
Under no circumstance was any officer to approach the basement door, or, go into the basement, until
everyone was in position. The last question I had was how we were approaching the house? Were we
parking within view of the house, or down the street? Sgt Olson chose to get as close to the house as
possible, so we got back in the two vehicles and drove up to the house, parked on the street, and got
out. I took the officer I was riding with and we rushed toward the open front door and stopped at the
bottom of the steps, guns drawn. All 5 of the swat team, ran toward the side of the house, where the
kitchen door was located, as I waited.
I wanted to give them time to enter the house and split up. Then, we walked cautiously up the steps, and
got closer and closer to the front door. The hair was standing on the back of my neck, and the worried
look on the patrolman's face, I am sure was same look on mine. Once at the doorway, I could see the
nailed boards, scattered on the hallway door, the basement door half open, with a gaping hole through
the middle blood splattered. I saw a tennis shoe, blood stained, and blood on the floor, alot of blood,
leaving a smudged trail down the stairwell, leading to the basement. I could hear noises at the other end
of the house, and knew the swat team had made it inside. In less then a minute, Sgt. Olson and two
officer's came into view, and he motioned them to stop. He pointed down to the boards, tennis shoe,
the door and blood.
One swat team member carried a AR-15 assault rifle, the other a pump shotgun and they took position
on both sides of the basement door way. Each weapon had a powerful flashlight attached, which was
good, because I knew there was no power in the basement. We met the other officer's at the door way,
and the sgt. examined the claw marks, dug halfway thru the heavy door, and showed them to his men. I
looked behind the Sgt. and saw his other two officer's coming quietly down the hallway. So, There we
were, 7 armed officer's waiting, knowing we could encounter something terrible in the basement, or,
nothing, just like the first time we searched the basement. Sgt. Olson gave the signal and two officer's
began walking... step by step down the basement stairs. Each step made a errie squeak.... and then
"all hell broke loose"!
© 2004 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)

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