I shook my head no! There was a moment of silence, and tears began to form in her
eyes. Jenny quickly offered her a napkin and took hold of her hand. Gray eyes
filled with kindness looked deeply into Jenny's green eyes, eyes of youth, and
Emily put her hand on top of Jenny's. Then she looked around the table at each of
us. "I am hoping you will be able to do several things for me! First, I want to
know what killed everyone on that horrible night.
Second, I want to know if it is still in that house. Finally I want you to", but
she couldn't finish the sentence. She burst into tears. Jenny stood and leaned
down and tried to comfort her. The atmosphere was sad, and caught the attention of
the waitress but we assured her everything was okay! Finally Emily composed herself
and opened her purse and took out a beautiful heart shaped gold locket.
Her fingers shook as she did her best to open it. When it opened, she showed us a
photo of her and a little girl, her grand daughter. "Tabitha was only nine when
she was murdered; and more tears began to flow. She held it out to me and as it
fell into the palm of my hand she made one final request as she squeezed my fingers
around the necklace. "If you see her spirit in the house, Please give this to her
and tell her "Grandma loves and misses her"!
All I could do was shake my head yes, because just live Jenny, David and Sebastian,
I had tears in my eyes. "I can't promise that any of us will see Tabitha, but if we
do, I will do my best to give this to her"! With that said, we composed ourselves,
and got ready to leave. I motioned for the waitress to come to our table and I gave
her the money for the meal.
I told Emily we were ready to follow out to the house and we put on our coats. It
was an overcast and rainy day in Washington State. But the rain really didn't bother
us that much. Western Washington was a very green State, heavily forested, and we had
even seen several deer along the way to Port Angeles.
It was much different to that of Northern California. We got into both vehicles and
followed Emily down a long winding country road. As we left the city and followed Emily's
station wagon along the country road, I saw the rains had stopped. That was a good sign
who likes working out in the rain? Part of our investigation entailed walking around the
property, not just investigating the house. Deeper and deeper into the country we drove.
For a moment, I thought we were headed to another town.
But then, the country side opened up into vast grassy fields, and Sebastian was the first
to spot the old house and nudged me on the shoulder. Then Emily's brake lights came on,
and she stopped at the driveway. When she got out, so did I and we met half way. She was
nervous, very nervous! I saw in her eyes, her voice and hand as she pointed to the house.
There was a slight wind in the air, as rain clouds gave way to parts of blue sky.
"I'll take you up to the house, but I won't go inside. I'll watch and wait till all of
you are through. Please be careful�? I reassured Emily as best I could that we weren't
heroes and that if there was any trouble, we all knew what to do. That seemed to reassure
her, for the moment, but I wasn't sure. We went back to our vehicles and I followed her
down a long, bumpy, road filled with potholes of water.
It was the kind of road that shakes parts off your car. But in any event, Emily finally
parked facing the house that looked haunted quite easily without anything even happening.
We parked behind a large tree and could see the front door. We all got out of our van
and David began to unload our equipment. He set up the folding table and set out what each
person was to be using. But Emily didn't get out of her car. She just stared at the house.
I'm sure her mind was filled with memories of those who lived and grew up in that large
house, and of course what had happened to them. I turned and focused on the job at hand,
Jenny tossed to each of us our orange t-shirts that had our paranormal service logo on it.
But we wore them not to advertise, but so we could see each other easier in dimly lit areas.
On the front was a logo of a Christian cross, and on the back, our business name.
We weren't a part of any church; like an exorcist team, but we felt if only psychologically
it offered us some peace of mind. Jenny was feeling uneasy, I saw her shiver for a moment
and offered to get her coat for her, but she said no. I walked up beside her, as she stared
at the house. "What are you sensing Jenny; anything"? There’s a lot going on in that house
Raymond. I have a bad feeling. Something just passed through me and it was ice cold!
I want to walk all the way around the outside of the house before we go in. Ask Emily if
there is a family cemetery out back or near-by"? I went up to Emily's car window and tapped
on the window to get her attention! She looked startled and ghostly white, with tears in her
eyes! Quickly she rolled down her window and wiped her eyes. "You have to forgive an old
woman. I miss my grand daughter so much"! I nodded to her!
I asked her if there was a cemetery on the property and she relied; "Yes, behind the house
why"? I just said because we were curious. But in truth, that was a very important question.
Sometimes, a supernatural disturbance can originate from someone who is deceased, but whose
spirit is not at rest, or is angry for some reason. I let Jenny know the cemetery was behind
the house and she said; "I thought so".
All four of us met at the table at the rear of the van. We put on our fanny packs that held
our spare batteries and clipped our flashlights onto our belt loops. Each of us had a different
piece of equipment that we would use to do our readings and see what we could find out. Each of
us picked up 2 pens and a pocket pad, and slipped a two-way radio in our back pocket.
But first, as a precaution, we turned everything on first to make sure they worked. The only
thing left on the table was a full size hard back journal. This was where everything or anything
we discovered from beginning to end would be logged. On some investigations, few pages were filled.
On other's it read like a novel. But we didn't go into an investigation with great expectations
of good battling evil, or discovering things no one else had ever imagined.
We were open-minded and optimistic. Finally, I finished making the first log entry and nervously
looked at each other. We were ready! As we did on every investigation, I let Jenny take the point.
She was gifted as an empathic person and her insight was needed. It was especially needed now.
We began our walk around the house, perhaps 25 feet from the walls, single file, maybe 8 feet
All but Jenny had a notepad in their hand, recording any observations they had. Once an investigation
was complete, we would compare notes before making entries in the journal. Jenny was the first to
stop and raise her hand. We moved up to where she was as she intently looked at an open first floor
window towards the back of the house. "We are being watched; and what ever it is isn't friendly"!
She pointed to the open window. Each of us looked at the window, but saw nothing. As I looked to
my left, I was the first to spot the large piano, nearly 40 feet from the house! It looked like
it had been tossed through the air. Then something happened that made me drop my jaw to the ground.
As Jenny went to push back her hair, it became filled with static electricity and moved.
Jenny sensed it and moved her hand away. I motioned to David and asked Jenny to raise her hand
again to her hair, while David used his video camera to record the phenomena. Sebastian was taking
EMF readings was we walked to make a record of the "Electromagnetic field" outside the house so it
could be compared to what we measured inside the house. As we worked our way to the back side of
the house, in the distance, perhaps 80 feet from the back door was the small cemetery plot.
I could only see one partial headstone within the small white picket fence. Jenny was making a
direct line to that grave. Like follow the leader; we followed behind Jenny. Soon, all four of us
were looking at the grave bearing a white, broken makeshift cross! The odd thing was that there
was no name of date on the cross. Jenny touched the fence softly with her hand, and suddenly
gripped it tightly, became stiff and unresponsive.
Her long brown hair flew in the air, by a breeze no one else felt. I turned to David and saw he was
already recording. "No you mustn't"; she whimpered frightened, "We aren't here to do anything wrong,
we are here to help if we can"! This time it was me who felt shiver's up and down my spine! I wish
I could have heard what was being said. But then, on the other hand, maybe I was glad I didn't.
I looked down at Jenny's hand, resting on the fence and saw it was turning black and blue! I grabbed
her wrist and pulled as hard as I could to remove it, but couldn't! But then; what ever had commanded
Jenny's attention, "Let go" and she took several steps backward, trying to inhale! She was shaken,
weak, and I waited for her to speak. "I know what is going on in this house, or; at least what is
causing it", she told me.
All eyes were on Jenny! This grave belongs to their grand-father, Chester Adams! He was an angry,
crippled and senile man. He was brutal in the way he treated his family here. He was cold, short
tempered and they feared him. He believed they didn't love him, and when he died, he was buried
here, without even his name, I guess for spite! He killed everyone, even the small grand-daughter
and he keeps their spirits inside that house. He torments them the same way he mistakenly believes
they tormented him"!
Sebastian was hurriedly writing down all she had said. That was when she felt the pain in her wrist
and looked down, then asked how she got the bruise. I told her what I had seen as she rubbed her wrist.
She told me it was only bruised and that she was okay. It isn't unusual for an entity that holds
anger to hurt others. This was something we had to take into consideration then and there. "Listen up!
Two of the three goals Emily asked us to discover for her are now done.
Jenny found out who is causing the disturbances and why. All that is left to do is to give a necklace
to her daughter, if we could find her in one of the rooms. But you saw what happened to Jenny; you
heard what she said. None of you have to agree to investigate the house"! At that moment, four people
were lost in thought; weighing risks against discovering the questions within our mind, regarding
supernatural activities!
I knew inside, that this was the most credible encounter we were faced with, and perhaps, the most
dangerous! I looked into the eyes of unsure friends and asked each one the same question: "Do you
want to quit or go on"? Jenny was the first to answer. “You have to be kidding. We have to do this"!
Sebastian, rubbed his EMF unit nervously and replied, "I'm in"! David said, "Man, I gotta see this
That left me. The rest of you have no ulterior motive to go on; but I do! I lifted the gold locket
out of my front pocket and held it in the air. I have something to give a child"! I felt a tear
flowing down my cheek! Sebastian blurted out with laughter in his voice; "Well, what are we waiting
for guys"? Instantly we all laughed and turned our attention back to the house, making a complete
circle around the house.
We noted that here and there were windows boarded up with plywood, while others were not. I asked
jenny what if anything she could sense from the outside of the house. All she could say was that she
sensed movement inside, but she couldn't by who, what room, or why. Finally, we stood mere feet away
from the front door of the old house. It was time to go inside! Just as I was about to take my first
step towards the front door, I raised my hand to the other's!
I turned and said; "Wait here". Each member gave me a puzzled look? We all were on pins and needles
since Jenny's "Close Encounter" at the cemetery! I turned around and walked back to Emily's car
where she sat. She looked at me with uncertainty, as she rolled her window down. "What else did you
not tell us Emily"? With a half convincing bewildered expression, she told me she didn't understand
my question.
"You didn't tell us that Chester Adams was buried in an unmarked grave behind the house. You didn't
tell me in your letter or at breakfast that his spirit was very anger, and most likely the reason
you paid so much to get us involved. Jenny already has a bruised hand, and we haven't even gone
inside the house! We should get back in our van and go back to California"! There, I said it! I said
it in anger, without even thinking of what I said. "Why did Chester spare your life, but no one else’s?
Was he your husband, I asked? Emily was crying now, but I really didn't place much value in her valiant
attempt to appear innocent. "No, Chester was my brother. I lived in Idaho, and when I heard about what
happened, I drove to Port Angeles. You're right! I didn't tell you the whole story, and that was wrong.
I'm sorry, but please don't leave! I thought you wouldn't come up here and help me try to contact my
grand-daughter; to give her the locket.
I loved her more then my own life"! At that time, I had mixed emotions, for Emily and for my friends!
But in that teeter-totter of indecision; I decided to stay, because the world of the paranormal has
always intrigued me. It has intrigued all of us. At that time I was still angry at Emily and turned
and walked back to the other's who were waiting for me. There was confusion written on all their faces,
because they were out of range of my voice when I talked to Emily.
When I was once more at their side; I made a simple statement. "We all know what our goals have been
when we conduct an investigation. But this investigation is more dangerous, more unpredictable.
Personally, I have one simple goal besides getting in and out of this house! If possible I would like
to find Tabitha and give her the locket from her grand-mother. I think it would bring both of them a
lot of comfort�?
©2006 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)