Christmas time is a sad time
for I remember the times
When we decorated the tree
with lights and ornaments
You weren’t as sick then
the cancer had not spread
Too many Christmas memories
and the tears fall from me
I am invited to everyone’s
house, they do mean well
But I would rather be alone
and just hold your photo
You know, the one where we
went to Aspen, Colorado
That was our first time skiing
and we built a snowman
You looked so healthy and so
happy as I begin to cry
I can’t celebrate Christmas again
without you here at my side
I loved you so very much and if
I could have died instead
I would have gladly done so if
you would have lived longer
Family and friend’s tell me again
that enough time has passed
But how long does time measure
the love we both shared?
I place another yellow rose upon
your headstone darling
Taking the time to read the love
poems I have written for you
© 2003 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)