Will I always be enough to you
that you'll never stray?
To crave my touch, my kiss and
all the ways I release your sigh?
Will I be the one you dream of
as the years come and go?
Letting me be the lover who in
every way takes your breath away
Will my smile always be seen when
you need my smile the most?
Will you always feel there are no
secrets that we keep from each other?
Will you feel tomorrow that I'm just
as unselfish as that first day we met?
Knowing that if you have dreams that
I will stand in your shadow of success
So many questions come to mind if
only that first step I could take
To let you know in a subtle way that
loneliness could become a memory
But still I resist, I hold back and I
worry about what if you said no?
So another sunrise will awaken me
with you not at my side
© 2008 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)