I look back on life's road I have traveled, paved with tears. The smiles have been fewer, to few I know,
but I have always known the truth. The truth is, I face challenges, some too tough to overcome. Some
just need persistence and a positive attitude. Some need the kindness from other's though it is near
impossible to ask. Yet if you take a second look, you'll se emy smile, for I'm happy with who I am, have
been and will become.
Sure there's a side of me that is angry about what I see as unfair. But it's just a small part of me, and I
wear no rose colored glasses. I will protect this heart, I must, I deserve better that what I have been
through. I sense what people really mean, deeper then the sound of their words. But it simply means
that they are blind to all I have become. I am limited, not helpless, and when I focus myself to a goal,
no one can be more determined.
I am alive, I cry out, I'm alive! I have dreams like anyone else. How quickly many can forget what
they take for granted. But what would they do if suddenly they were to find themselves in my shoes!
Would they wear my smile...would other's see the same sparkle seen in my eyes? Or would they
suddenly realize that the world has changed in ways they could never have dreamed?
Would they believe in hope, in miracles, in kindness, or would they let bitterness overtake their soul?
The best of old sayings still rings true: "Walk a mile in my shoes and you will know what I have
experienced". Each of us who live either in pain, or just a barrier of limitations knows it is they who
choose the outlook on life. An expression of anger will merely push someone away from even saying
hello. A smile, will always invite another to say Hi!
I have known outgoing people who embraced each new face as a potential new friend! I have known
seclusive people who; whether from past hurts, or a fear of being hurt, lead a quiet life. It doesn't
necessarily mean they are unhappy. It may mean that for now, they have decided that it is better just
to be alone.
To all who have suffered a impairment, as a disabled veteran, I am no stranger to what other's may
have felt. But I refuse to misplace my smile.
© 2005 Raymond Cook (All rights reserved)