Life comes in many seasons
Friends can be the same
Only fitting in with us
Oh it is a shame.
Where are they when needed?
In the winter of our lives
I cannot be a shoulder now
We hear them moan and cry.
A willing ear is free you see
Two heads could join as one
Sharing all our troubles
Have they themselves had none?
All seasons friends are very few
Gems to find I'm sure
Like shells washed up onto a beach
Clean and good and pure.
I will be your season friend
For all lifes thrown your way
Helping you just all I can
Not much more to say.
Your troubles became mine now
Your tears my tears as well
Together we will sort them
Lift you from this well.
Into sunshine for your life
A smile upon your face
To all your come day go day friends
They are a sheer disgrace.
A new years season now is here
Rainbows I hope they bring
Into your life,some joy at last
To make your soul just sing.