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Cord Magick To Stir a Magick Cauldron Silver RavenWolf (Autumn here, while this article credits Silver Ravenwolf with this information, I've read almost the exact same thing by Raymond Buckland, right down to the rhyme. Either way I find cord magick very soothing and powerful, so I share!) Magick with cords is another simple magickal operation that can be used together with the Gates, candle magick, and petitioning. Cord magick entails the Following Choice of cord color Choice of cord Length Choice of a disposable cord or one you use over and over again Choice of divinity Standard cord magick uses a red, white, or black cord thirteen inches in length, with the intention of giving it away or disposing of it when you are finished Of course, you can certainly work with every color of the rainbow or something in between that is your choice and depends upon your own experimentation. Cord magick requires the magickal operation of charging. Each knot is charged as a charm or chant is recited. Disposal of the cord depends upon the purpose of the spell. If it is to banish negativity, you would bury it immediately. If it is for healing or drawing something toward you, keep the cord until the job is done, then release the magick and burn the cord. The knots are done in the following manner:
An Example:
By knot of one, this spell's begun By knot of two, my words are true By knot of three, it comes to be By knot of four, power in store By knot of five, this spell's alive By knot of six, this spell is fixed By knot of seven, the answer's given By knot of eight, I meld with fate By knot of nine, the thing is mine! There are three types of cord magick. The thirteen inch cord, as indicated above. The second type of cord magick is used by traditional Witches. The Witch takes his or her cord of measure and uses it to access the group mind of the coven and tradition. This group mind can include lineage, ancestry, or the present group of people who make up the tradition or coven. The initiation cord is used to draw more power to assist the Witch in the task he or she is performing. This cord of measure is extremely important, as it is marked with the initiate's blood. When the initiate dies, the cord is to be buried with him or her. If this is not possible, the initiate is expected to have covered this in a will, stating that the cord should be sent back to the original High Priestess, who is then to ritually bury the cord. This cord of measure is white and slender in thickness ("1/4 to 1/8"). The third type of cord magick is also employed by the traditional Witch; however, a solitary Witch can use this type of magick, as I will explain in a moment. First, let's get the general information out of the way. When one enters a tradition with a degree system, often nine foot cords in various colors are given to the initiatiates according to their station. For example, a first degree Witch may wear a white cord, a Second degree wears a white cord and a red cord, and the third degree wears the white cord, the red cord, and a black cord. Some third degree Witches only wear the black cord. This is a matter of preference within the tradition. The degree cords are knotted at three feet, six feet, and nine feet. A loop is then tied to the opposite end of the cord. If you were outside and needed to measure a three foot circle, you would place your athame in the ground through the loop making it easy to measure a perfect three foot circle. The procedure is similar for making a six foot or nine foot circle. As one moves through the stations, the new cords are tied together at the three foot, six or seven foot, and nine foot marks, as well as wound together to make the loop for measuring. These cords are much thicker than the cord of measure, and are worn at all traditional and open functions, unless clan laws dictates otherwise. Some traditional Witches link these initiation or station cords together in a ritual setting to manifest a desired end, as an asset for either the group as a whole or for a group member who is ill or needs special attention. When the result has been achieved or the rite is done, the cords are taken apart an returned to their respective owners. This means that each cord must be marked before the technique is employed. many traditional Witches mark their cords with amulets talismans, or gifts from other magickal people. Some even have skull beads, animal claws, Silver bells, equal armed crosses, and Pagan rosaries used in this way, to give a few examples. These station cords can also be used individually. To work with the Gates of the Underworld, only second or third degree station cords would be used to access the properties that those stations represent. As another example, a third degree Witch can use cord and know magick to employ the eyes of the spirit with the third degree cord. If it is a process of inversion, Then the second degree cords would be used. If it is an application of learning and study, the first degree cord would be employed. Can a solitary work this final type of cord magick? yes. However, I would be very careful here as your cord will not denote a station in training or a degree level, but a link between yourself and the Universe. This cord should be nine feet long and fashioned by your own hand. It can be plain, multicolored, have things hanging on it doesn't matter, because it is your cord. Before using the cord, like any other tool, it should be cleansed, consecrated, and blessed. If you don't know how to do this, again, find a Wicca 101 book to show you how This out of the way, what do you do with the cord? For starters I would work with this cord for personal fulfillment and self esteem matters. The number of knots you employ should be an uneven number for banishing unwanted influences in your self, and an even number of knots to pull desired traits toward you. Remove the knots when the desired results is obtained, or leave them there to remind yourself that you have completed something wonderful. |
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The Knotted Cord D.J. Conway, Wicca The Complete Craft, pages 444-449
Binding through the tying of knots is a very ancient practice. The Egyptian goddess Isis is connected with the magic of knots. Her sacred symbol, the Tat, was called the Knot of Fate. Surviving Egyptian texts say that her priestesses could control the weather by braiding or unbraiding their hair, as well as tying and blowing on knots. Isis herself could bind up the actions and events in a human life by making a knot in a cord; she could remove the binding by blowing on the knot. The Holy Mysteries of Isis were known as shetat, or "she-knots."
The Greek goddess Circe was also associated with the magic of knots. She controlled the forces of creation and destruction by placing knots and braids in her hair. When the sacred king married the Magna Mater, or Great Goddess, priestesses fastened a great knot to the yoke on his chariot to signify the Sacred Marriage, or "tying the knot."
In most Pagan religions, the Fate Goddesses were associated with the magical tying and loosing of knots. In this way they were said to be able to bind or loose the energy for creation and destruction, and the length of human lives. The Triple Fate Goddesses of the Norse, the Norns, held the same powers.
Using magic knots to control rain and wind was a common practice used by certain women in Finland, Lapland, and Scotland. Sailors often went to these women for wind-knots, which they carried with them on board ship. If the wind died, the sailor would untie the knot to raise the wind again. To call up a storm and rain, Scottish women would tie a knot in a wet rag and then beat it on a rock. British witches were thought to be able to control a nosebleed by tying knots in a red thread.
Special cords are sometimes presented to initiates for use in ceremonies and magic. These cords are worn around the waist until needed during a ritual. Some groups weave these cords temporarily together during ritual for spell work. However, most cord and knot magic is done with smaller, more flexible cords or thread.
Witches need a number of special, colored cords and spools of thread for this purpose. Choosing cord colors according to the list of candle colors is a good reference. To do knot magic, Witches chant a verse while tying the knot and thinking of the energy or person they want to bind up. To loose the knot, Witches again chant a verse while untying the knot. An appropriate chanting verse is given with each knot spell.
Knot magic is also used to store magical power to use at another time. For example, Full Moon magic is knotted into a cord and released during a spell during the New Moon days, and vice versa.
Binding Action or an Event
TIME: Best done during a waning moon. ITEMS NEEDED: Binding incense, black thread. INSTRUCTIONS: Cut a piece of thread about a foot long. Hold the thread in the incense smoke before beginning. While tying the knots, concentrate on the action or event you want to become static and not progress. Begin by tying the first knot slightly off center in the middle of the thread. Tie the next knot near one end of the thread, and the third knot near the other end of the thread. The next two knots are tied in between these knots. The sixth knot is tied near the first knot, in the center of the thread. Tie the ends of the thread together to make the last and seventh knot.
CHANT: "Bind, bind, tie and bind. Nothing moves but me and mine. Static movement is my will. These knots will thus my wish fulfill."
Binding Full Moon Energy
TIME: Best done during a Full moon. However, you can also do this during the first quarter of the moon. ITEMS NEEDED: Moon or Success incense; a silver or dark purple cord at least two to three feet long. INSTRUCTIONS: Stored Full Moon energy can be used during waxing moon or New Moon times when the Witch needs to perform prosperity, healing, or similar spells.
Move the cord through the incense smoke until every inch of the cord has been smoked. Take the cord out into the moonlight to do this knot spell, or at least stand where the moonlight falls unimpeded through a window. Turn the cord over and over in your hands so that the moonlight touches every inch of the cord. You will tie nine knots in the cord, as nine has long been a magical moon number. Tie the knots in the cord by beginning at one end and finishing at the other end. Chant the verse as you tie the knots.
CHANT: "Knot of one, this spells begun. Knot of two, the power is true. Knot of three, my will shall be. Knot of four, I gather more. Knot of five, moon power is alive. Knot of six, the power I fix. Knot of seven, moon magic leaven. Knot of eight, this spell is fate. Knot of nine, the threes are trine. I gather moonbeams in this cord, According to my magic words. Moon power is stored here on this night For magic good and strength so bright."
Binding New Moon Energy
TIME: Best done during a New Moon, However, you can also do this spell during the third quarter of the moon. ITEMS NEEDED: Moon or Success incense; a black or dark purple cord at least two to three feet long. INSTRUCTIONS: New Moon energy can be stored to use during the waxing moon or Full Moon times when the Witch needs to do a protection spell, exorcism, or something similar.
Hold the cord over the incense smoke so that every inch of it has been touched. Go out under a New Moon, or at least stand near a window where the black night sky is seen. Tie thirteen knots in the cord, beginning at one end and finishing at the other. Chant the verse as you tie the knots.
CHANT: "I bind the New Moon energy as it flows through my hands and into the knots I tied. The power is caught within each knot. I control each knot and the power stored within it. I weave moon power with my hands."
Binding a Person
TIME: Best done during a waning moon. ITEMS NEEDED: Binding, Karma, or Protection incense; three pieces of thread three feet long (one black, one red, and one white); a black votive candle. INSTRUCTIONS: This spell should be used on a person who is willfully causing you problems; an ex-husband, ex-lover, malicious neighbor, jealous coworker, etc. Remember, if you use magic against another person simply because you do not like them or want something that person has, it can rebound and gather karma to yourself.
Scratch the name of the person you are binding into the top or side of the votive candle. light the incense and the black candle. Hold the threads over the incense smoke. With the first knot, tie one end of the three threads together. Continue to tie the threads together with each knot. After the last knot is tied and the verse chanted, burn the thread in the flame of the black votive candle. Leave the candle to burn out. The remaining wax and any knotted thread should be buried, burned, or thrown into running water. If you can't do any of these, break up the remains and flush them.
To finish the spell, tie the ends of the thread together.
CHANT: (One) In the name of the Maiden and the Divine Child, I bind you. (Two) In the name of the Great Mother and Her Lover, I bind you. (Three) In the name of the Crone and the Lord of the Hunt, I bind you. (Four) I bind your bodily energy so it cannot be used against me. (Five) I bind your mental energy that you send no harmful thoughts my way. (Six) I bind your astral energy that no magic of yours will find me. (Seven) Six times I bind you. With the seventh knot, the spell is done.
Releasing and Using Full Moon Energy
TIME: Best done during a waxing moon. ITEMS NEEDED: Moon or Success incense; a previously tied silver or dark purple cord. INSTRUCTIONS: To use the stored moon energy, you should do this spell at your altar just before you begin your spell work or certain types of healing.
You will untie the nine knots in the cord that you tied when you stored the Full Moon energy. Untie the knots in the cord by beginning at one end and finishing at the other end. Chant the verse as you untie the knots. Visualize the moon energy flowing into your hands as you untie each knot.
CHANT: "I open the door to the power beyond. The moon gate that has an Otherworld key. Unending power flows into my hands. This is my will, and so shall it be."
Releasing and Using New Moon Energy
TIME: Best done during a waxing moon. ITEMS NEEDED: Moon or Success incense, a previously tied silver or dark purple cord. INSTRUCTIONS: Untie the thirteen knots in the cord, beginning at one end and finishing at the other. Chant the verse as you untie the knots. Feel the moon energy flowing into your hands and body as you untie each knot.
CHANT: "Dark moon magic, pure and bright, I gather your energy here tonight. Your powers of the Air and Earth and Sea Are mine to command. So shall it be." |
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Cord and Knot Magic Sorita D'Este ©2007
Cord magic is a very simple and effective technique for casting spells. You can use cords or ribbons to perform cord magic, and both are easy to obtain inexpensively in a whole range of colors. You can perform cord spells in any circumstance, though it is beneficial to cast a circle and call the elements and the Goddess and God to add energy to your spell.
There are three very important things to consider before performing a cord spell. The first of these is deciding what exactly you want to perform the spell for, and deciding on an appropriate visualization to perform while you cast the spell. This enables your mind to concentrate its power and focus on the intent of your spell. The second consideration is which color your cord will be, and the third is how many knots you will use. Both these considerations focus your mind on the nature of your spell, as you need to determine the correct correspondences to focus the energy appropriately.
Color Correspondences
White: purity, healing, blessing, wisdom, innocence Red: energy, passion, vitality, willpower, success Orange: creativity, courage, emotional strength Yellow: communication, wealth, travel Green: growth, fertility, harmony in relationships Blue:; healing, protection, serenity, spiritual harmony Indigo: success in long term plans, improving perception Purple: luck, spiritual development, psychic abilities Pink: love, romance, friendship, tranquility Brown: grounding, stability, endurance Black: binding, depression, grief, protection
Once you have decided on the color to use, you will need to decide how many knots you need to tie into the cord. The number of knots is again determined by the nature of the magical working you have decided to perform. So think carefully and consider carefully what will work best for you.
1 is the number of unity, for focus, acceptance 2 is the number of duality, for partnerships, balance 3 is the number of Saturn, for solidity, timing, stability 4 is the number of Jupiter, for expansion, general health 5 is the number of Mars, for energy, passion, courage 6 is the number of the Sun, for success, wealth, charisma 7 is the number of Venus, for love, fertility, growth 8 is the number of Mercury, for communication, healing 9 is the number of the Moon, for the emotions, tides 10 is the number of the Earth, for endurance, rounding 11 is the number of Uranus, for magic, change
When performing your cord spell, knots are tied in the cord or ribbon to fix the spell and focus your intent. You can repeat the words of the spell as you tie each knot to strengthen the effect, or you can use a traditional spell such as the following:
"By knot of one, the spell is begun By knot of two, it cometh true By knot of three, so mote it be By knot of four, the open door By knot of five, it comes alive By knot of six, the spell is fixed By knot of seven, it has the power of heaven By knot of eight, the open gate By knot of nine, the ____is mine"
How To Do Cord Spells
Before you perform the spell you will have worked out the intent of the spell and the visualization you are going to use, decided on what color cord you are going to use, and how many knots you will tie in it. As with other spells, you should time your cord magic for when the Moon and planets are best aspected.
If the spell is personal, you may decide to wear the ribbon or cord beforehand for a few days to charge it with your own energy. If you have allowed a time frame for the spell to work in, be sure not to untie any knots in the cord or ribbon before this time.
Cord Spell For Success
When doing spells, it also helps the effect if you give the spell avenues to become manifest. So buy the odd instant lottery ticket or take the offer of that bit of extra work. Remember not to expect something for nothing, and be open to opportunities, and the spell will work much more effectively for you.
A gold cord is needed for this spell, or yellow if you cannot get gold. Gold and yellow are the colors of the Sun, which symbolizes wealth and success. Likewise six is the number of the Sun, so six knots are tied in the cord to strengthen the attractive influence to the solar energies.
You are seeking to attract success, so during the waxing Moon is the best time to cast the spell. A day between the New and Full Moon is the ideal time, as the Moon waxes to fullness, so the influence of the spell will increase. As the spell is solar, it is best cast during the day.
1. Take the gold cord in your hands and concentrate on your desire for more success in your life. Say, "It is my intent to attract more success into my life. So mote it be."
2. Focus your desire for your circumstance to improve. Visualize a simple, appropriate image, like a gold coin, in your head and keep it there for the duration of the spell casting.
3. As you tie the first knot near one end of the cord repeat your intent: "It is my intent to attract more success into my life."
4. Repeat this for the remaining five knots, keeping the mental image in your head the whole time.
5. Now bind the spell, so its effects are contained and will draw the positive attractive energies to you. Say, "I call on earth to bind this spell, air to speed its passage well, fire bring spirit from above, water fill this spell with love. By all the power of land and sea, this spell bound around shall be, no harm nor return to cause on me, as I do will so mote it be." As you do this, tie an imaginary golden cord into a knot in the air in front of you, so the physical action mirrors the intent of the words.
6. Place the cord somewhere you spend a lot of time and where it will not be touched by others.
Spell for Health
This spell is for general health, so it uses a blue cord with four knots. Wear the cord or ribbon around a wrist or ankle for a few days before performing the spell to get it attuned to your energies. The waxing Moon is the best time to do this, as the energies are increasing to their maximum.
The cord will act as a focus for energies that contribute to your health. taking more care to eat and live healthily will give the energies a strong base to act from, boosting the effect of the spell.
1. Hold the blue cord in your hands, visualize yourself healthy and say, "It is my will to be healthy."
2. As you tie the first knot, say, "By knot of one, the spell is begun," keeping the mental image of a healthy you in mind.
3. Tie the second knot, saying, "By knot of two, it cometh true," still maintaining the mental image.
4. Tie the third knot, saying: "Be knot of three, I will be healthy."
5. Tie the fourth knot, saying, "By knot of four, ill health no more."
6. Bind the spell as before, but visualize a blue knot when performing the spell binding.
7. You may choose to wear this cord or to put in somewhere safe where you spend a lot of time.
Spell for Protection
This spell is for protection, and uses a black ribbon with these knots. Black is the color of protection, and is also the best color for absorbing negativity. This is why it is the funeral color, as it helps people in dealing with grief and depression. Three is the number of Saturn, which gives form and stability. This combination gives a strong and stable form of protection, both from external influences and from negative personal states.
Much of the negativity around you is undirected. Whether you are in a hectic office or on public transport, it is easy to pick up on this negativity and draw it like a magnet. This spell provides a barrier to keep such energies at bay, and can also help you in personal situations where you feel threatened by making you aware that you can stop other people's negativity from affecting you.
1. Take the black ribbon in your hands and concentrate on your desire to be protected from negativity. Visualize a mirror around your aura facing outwards, so that negativity is reflected away from you back to its source. Say, "I will not allow others to negatively influence me."
2. Tie the first knot near one end of the ribbon and repeat your intent: "I will not allow others to negatively influence me."
3. Repeat this for the second and third knots, keeping the mental image of your aura in your head the whole time.
4. Now bind the spell, as before, and wear the ribbon under your clothes on your ankle or wrist when you are out.
5. After a month, put one end of the ribbon in a bowl of salt and untie the knots, saying, "I release all negativity held in this ribbon." This will transfer the negativity into the salt, which will neutralize it, and which you should then dispose of. You can then repeat the spell anew if you feel it is still needed.