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BOS Collection : The Wiccan Rede
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From: MSN NicknameLady_Qyzida_MeadOwlArk  (Original Message)Sent: 8/14/2008 1:07 AM
 The Wiccan Rede
Bide the Wiccan Laws we must    
In Perfect Love  and Perfect Trust.
Live and let live, 
Fairly take and  fairly give. 
Cast the Circle thrice about 
To keep the  evil spirits out. 

To bind the spell every time 
Let the  spell be spake in rhyme. 
Soft of eye and light of touch, 
Speak  little, listen much. 

Deosil go by the waxing moon, 
Chanting out the Witches' Rune. 
Widdershins go by the waning moon, 
Chanting out the baneful rune. 

When  the Lady's moon is new, 
Kiss the hand to her, times two. 

When  the moon rides at her peak, 
Then your heart's desire seek. 

Heed the North wind's mighty gale, 
Lock the door and drop  the sail. 

When the wind comes from the South, 
Love will  kiss thee on the mouth. 

When the wind blows from the West, 
Departed souls will have no rest. 

When the wind blows  from the East, 
Expect the new and set the feast. 

Nine  woods in the cauldron go, 
Burn them fast and burn them slow. 

Elder be the Lady's tree, 
Burn it not or cursed you'll  be. 

When the Wheel begins to turn, 
Let the Beltane fires burn. 

When the Wheel has turned to Yule, 
Light  the log and the Horned One rules. 

Heed ye Flower, Bush and  Tree, 
By the Lady, blessed be. 

Where the rippling waters  go, 
Cast a stone and truth you'll know. 

When ye have a  true need, 
Hearken not to others' greed. 

With a fool no  season spend, 
Lest ye be counted as his friend. 

Merry  meet and merry part, 
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart. 

Mind the Threefold Law you should, 
Three times bad and  three times good. 

When misfortune is enow, 
Wear the blue  star on thy brow. 

True in Love ever be, 
Lest thy lover's  false to thee. 

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
" An  ye harm none, do what ye will."

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLady_Qyzida_MeadOwlArkSent: 8/14/2008 1:12 AM
The Wiccan Rede - Interpretations

1) Perfect Love and Perfect Trust: this does not necessarily mean in another person, but for the Lord and Lady. All people are, after all, human, and as such we must honour others for their wisdom and knowledge, and forgive them for their faults and shortcomings. Also, can be considered a greeting within circle, as either an entry phrase, or initiatory key.

2) Live ye must and let to live: basically a show of tolerance to others around you. This tells all believers and/or followers that all have their own path to follow, and one must show they can all live together in peace.

3) Form the circle thrice about: this is, in a sense, the first three steps on creating the circle. The first circle is cast with the athame (or other tool, such as sword, staff, or wand), the second with the salt and water, and finally with the incense.

4) To bind the spell fast every time: actually, people seem to remember words and phrases when there is a bit of rhyme or chant. This makes ones 'inner child' react much quicker and fuller to the work, as well as making it a lot more fun. This also enhances the magickal work.

5) Light of eye and soft of touch: refers to the use of the 'evil eye' in many older cultures. One should not stare at others overmuch or else they may feel one is working against them. The second half 'speak ye little and listen much' is a general good advise to follow. Too much talking leads to too much distraction from what is going on around you. By keeping silent, one becomes more sensitive and aware of the needs of not only others, but of the inner self as well.

6) Honour the Old Ones in name and deed: simply said, to honour those who are your elder. A little politeness does go a long way. This doesn't mean to those of your own family, but to anyone older and wiser.

7) Deosil by waxing moon: deosil means to go in a 'sun-wise' or clockwise motion abut the circle, and waxing is when the moon is heading towards full. This is when one should ask the Lady to grant anything joyous that is needed in one's life.

8) Widdershins by waning moon: widdershins is the opposite of deosil, counter-clockwise, and waning moon is the time when the moon is going from full to dark. This is the time when the things one wishes to be rid of is released, such as old habits, bad feelings, etc.

9) When the Lady's moon is new: apparently this was a sign of those who were of the craft, seen as a symbol of good luck. Others have mentioned that during the Inquisition that anyone doing such gestures was watched for other signs of heresy and witchcraft, so this line was a type of warning.

10) When the moon rides at Her peak: this is the full moon, a time of power, when one's desires and magickal working should be done.

11) Heed the North wind's mighty gale: this and the next three verses of the winds of the elements refer to each of the four seasons. The North wind brings the terrible winter storms. The East wind brings about sudden changes (as well as unexpected visitors). The South wind brings the spring, where romance is in the air. The West wind is the direction that those departed souls travel to get to the Summerland.

12) Nine woods in the cauldron go: at Beltaine these nine woods are what are placed into the bonfires, each one burmed for a specific reason (as stated in the Rede itself).

13) Elder be the Lady's tree: from what can be researched, it is believed that the Maypole is made of elder, and thus must not be burned. This line seems to be a warning to not burn this sacred tree.

14) Four times the Major Sabbats mark: major does not refer to importance of Sabbat, as all are equally important. This simply refers to those Sabbats occurring at the beginning of each season (when the sun reaches 15 degrees in the Cardinal Astrological signs). As all Sabbats are solar festivals, they are marked by the course of the sun, and not by a fixed date. The four major Sabbats are:

It's now Samhain: generally what is referred to as the Witches New Year, traditionally celebrated on October 31 (or 15 degrees Scorpio).

When the time for Imbolc shows: traditionally celebrated on February 2 (or 15 degrees Aquarius).

Soon the Beltaine fires will burn: traditionally celebrated on April 30 (or 15 degrees Taurus).

As the wheel turns to Lammas(Lughnasadh) night: traditionally celebrated on August 1 (or 15 degrees Leo).

15) Four times the minor Sabbats fall: these are the four Sabbats that occur at the peak, or halfway points of each season, basically at 0 degrees of the Fixed Astrological signs. Again minor does not mean of lower import. The four minor Sabbats are:

When the wheel has turned to Yule: traditionally celebrated on December 21 (or 0 degrees Capricorn)

Time for Eostre to come our way: traditionally celebrated on March 21 (or 0 degrees Aries).

When the sun has reached its height: Litha, or Midsummer, traditionally celebrated on June 21 (or 0 degrees Cancer)

When the Autumn Equinox (Mabon)  does fall: traditionally celebrated on September 21 (or 0 degrees Libra).

16) Heed ye flower, bush, or tree: as all life is sacred to the Lady and Lord, there should be proper respect shown for any animal or plant, whether live or used for food. Thanks should be given in the sacrifice for us to eat. When this is granted, then 'blessed' you'll be.

17) Where the rippling waters flow: one of the forms of divination is through the ripples in water. This line refers to the act of tossing a pebble onto the surface of a still pool and reading the future from the ripples.

18) When you have and hold a need: this refers to motivation through the use of magick. Simply put, one should not do magick for greedy purposes, but through the needs of others and oneself. Motivation comes about by thinking on what is the true need, and what is truly being gained through the magick being done.

19) With a fool no season spend: in essence, the people you keep company with are how others determine your behaviour. The old saying 'people know you by the company you keep' comes to mind here.

20) Merry Meet and Merry Part: several meanings can be interpreted here. This can be as simple as a greeting between Craft members, or as a key phrase to enter into circle, similar to Perfect Love. In general, however, it is merely a 'happy to see you' line, encouraging people to show their affections that today's society seem to regard as taboo or sissy.

21) Mind the threefold law ye should: this is the belief that any action done, whether for good or ill is returned threefold. Similar to the phrase 'what comes around, goes around'. This can be a small warning to those who send out their energies to keep in mind anything that is negative will come back three times worse, so one should avoid sending out this type of energy.

22) When misfortune is enow: keep your inner eye open and listen to the higher self (or guardian angel/spirit guide/etc) when any difficulty may arise. Another bit of information passed along through research reveals ancient Welsh Picts wore blue woad symbols upon their foreheads, which may be what this line may refer to.

23) True in love ye must be: simply said, be true to your friends/lovers, unless they are untrue to you. A vow of love, especially from a witch, is considered the most powerful of vows. If one breaks this vow, than watch out! The Lady and Lord do keep an eye out, and any oath broken will come back to haunt you.

24) Eight words the Rede fulfils: this is the most recognizable part of the rede. Often people think this is the entire thing. This is not so, it is simply a small part, and should be considered as such, even though it is important, but not any more or less than the other lines. This line refers to the acts of anything, whether magick or otherwise, must be known by all parties. To do so without permission (even a simple healing) is considered harm or forcing your will upon another. Harming also includes yourself, not just others. You are responsible for your actions, whether beneficent or baneful. This simple phrase is the cause of many arguments on what exactly is considered harm. Similar to the Christian phrase 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. Very sound advice.