Candles-Straight or votive candles in the following colors:
one black (break up blockages, remove negatives), one gold
(fast luck, happiness), and one green (sucess, material gain).
Oil-Pine or peppermint.
Herbs-Dragon's blood or ginger.
Incense-Jasmine, peppermint, or pine.
Stones-Carnelian and lapis lazuli.
Other Supplies-None.
Timing-On the full moon or waxing moon cycle.
Advice-No magical spell will work unless you do your part
to help. This means you must actively seek a new job, not sit
back and wait for it to fall into your lap.
Spellwork-Light the altar candles and the incense. Anoint the
black candle from the end to the wick, the others from the wick
to the end. Place the black candle on the left, the green in the
center, and the gold on the right. Put the carnelian between the
black and green candles, and the lapis lazuli between the green
and gold candles. Light the candles in the same order as you set
them out. Say the chant. Sit for several moments, thinking of
the type of job you want. Leave the candles to burn out
completely. Dispose of the wax afterward.
Doors to new opportunities open before me.
No obstacles stand in my way.
Only the best of employment comes to me.
Good luck draws a new day.
"A Little Book of Candle Magic", by D.J. Conway