Merry Meet; All
My Grandpa Thompson, & my Dad, always called it Witching for water... and it's the first thing they would do before they bought a place, or if they needed water in a specific area thye'd witch using a forked willow stick. usually when they found a spring it was so prolific they'd have to cap it with a cement cover.
My father-in-law taught me how to 'witch' it's actually easy, he hired someone else to 'witch' for water and he didn't do too good the well had to go deep and wasn't (watery) enough for his needs (it went dry often) but when I did it it pointed in a whole new place. It was fun anyhow and I learned alot. now a friend wants me to 'witch her land around her cabin, now it's just finding the time...Now when ever we go looking for a place it's well no water we'd have to 'witch' for it...
Blessings Lady Sylvar Moon