What IS "Magick"?
Is it lightning coming out your fingertips to dispell evil from the world?
Is it battling evil?... Perhaps "evil" is a bit too much... how about battling naughtiness?
Is it being shocking? Amazing? Bizzarre?
Is Magick too exciting? Not exciting enough?
Is Magick entertaining?
Well.....most of us know magick is alot more common than most people think, that Magick is the core essence of Life and the sometimes unexpainable circumstances that happen to fall together just right. Mundane people call this "co-incidence"
But the simplest of things can contain the most powerful Magick. While Hollywood would have us belive the witches can do amazing stunts, truth is, we are pretty ordinary, in an extrordinary way of course.
REAL magick is contained in one word. Love. Love can inspire us to make a difference, a positive change , not only in those we care about, but in ourselves and the world around us.
Love of beauty and delicacy unfurls the leaves in spring, and curls the fingers of a newborn child's fingers around the huge fingertip of it's father.
Magick is in everything we see and do, smell and create, touch and attempt, hear and choose, taste and remember.
The human Spirit...that spark in us of Divinity that urges us to be more than we are, to lead others to do the same and pause to wait for those whose heart is true, IS MAGICK.
Being a witch isn't about dazzling others, it's about recognizing the dazzle in everything and everyone, and feeling and expressing the swelling of Love in ourselves that is birthed from that dazzling.
So the next time you choose to do the right thing, go the extra mile, do something you've put off, or remembered you can do something you thought you had forgotten, or believe in yourself more than you did yesterday, you are practicing the art of Magick. It doesn't matter what it was, anything from climbing a mountain face to sweeping a floor. What matters is the effort you put into it to make it happen.
Making Love an 'every moment' thing in everything you do..... THAT'S MAGICK!
Brightest Blessings
Lady Qyzida