Welcome to Goddess Grove

...a peaceful place to learn about the God & Goddess and the blessings They bestow upon each and every one of us daily! It is also a place to learn more about the spiritual path of Wicca. We welcome you here and invite you to spend as much time as you like. To the Seekers who are trying to find and follow your own truth... May you be inspired by the courage of those who came before you and may you be truly blessed by their love and wisdom. We hope each of you finds what you need to be genuinely happy. Blessed Be!

This page last updated November 30, 2008, 11:23am

This site is respectfully dedicated to those who trod this path before us. The Ancestors who risked everything to seek their own truth and to light the way for all who would follow in their footsteps. So Mote It Be!

Read the Yule 2008 Edition of "The Mystical Cauldron" newsletter.

Check out Mystic Moon's Class Schedule for 2008.

Table of Contents

Who We Are Mystic Moon Coven Church of the Mystic Moon
Angelus' Cauldron of Poems The Wiccan Rede, etc. The Eight Sabbats
Wiccan Spirituality Seeker's Information Wiccan/Pagan Parenting
Reiki Information Links to other Pages of Interest Past Mystical Cauldron Sabbat Newsletters

Goddess Grove... our outdoor temple

Merry Meet!...

We are Angelus and Dreamweaver, the High Priestess & High Priest of Mystic Moon Coven, a teaching and working coven, located in the Kansas City area. We are also Elders of 3 daughter covens, Shadow of the Mystic Moon in Rhode Island, Grove of the Old Ways, in Missouri and Pagans At Hearth in Missouri, and a granddaughter coven, Voices of the Moon in Ohio as well as the leaders of Church of the Mystic Moon here in Kansas City, KS. We are Witches (or Wiccan, if you prefer that term) and proud to be known as such. We have dedicated our lives to the God and Goddess and to helping other find the spiritual path that is theirs (whether or not that path happens to be Wiccan or even Pagan). We understand that this spiritual path isn't for everybody but we know in our hearts that it is the one for us. We strive to live our faith each and every day, not just one day out of the week. Yes, Wicca is a 'religion', but to us (and to many other Wiccans) it is much more than just a religion... it is a way of life... as much a part of us as our breath.

We know that many people have misunderstandings of Pagan and Wiccan beliefs and we are trying to shed light on the reality of this spiritual path. We want folks to understand exactly what Witches are -AND- what we are not. With the help of the God and Goddess, and the perserverence of a multitude of dedicated Pagans and Wiccans, we trust that some day in the near future people will come to understand that ours is a life affirming spiritual choice and that most of the people who follow this spiritual path have dedicated their lives to their beliefs, their God and Goddess, their fellow man and to caring for and healing the Earth and all of Her inhabitants. One of our goals in this lifetime is to help make religious freedom mean ALL religions and to do our part to ensure that every person has the freedom to worship whatever Deity or Deities they choose without endangering their lives or the lives of those they love... An' it Harm None!!

In 1995, on our 5th anniversary, we renewed our wedding vows by being Handfasted. Dreamweaver and I have been together for 19 years, and will have been married for 18 of those years as of Christmas Eve, 2008.

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Take a moment, if you would, to send us a note with your comments and/or constructive ideas.

Angelus Webweaver

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We have been honored with an award from High Priestess Tarot and are deeply honored by the granting.

We also have received an award from RavenSpirit's website. Thanks Raven!.

We attended the 4th Annual Pagan Internet Conference and enjoyed the many knowledgeable speakers there.

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