Navigating the Shift
We are living in the times the Hopi Prophecy calls the Great Purification. All spiritual traditions point to these times as the shifting point into an age of peace, harmony and prosperity not yet experienced on this planet.
Many are now awakening to a spiritual calling that seems new, but was actually encoded in our cells long ago to activate now. Our process is accelerating. Enlightenment is a daily reality. "Something wonderful is happening."
At the same time, the path can seem harsh and confusing. Understanding the influence of planetary alignments and the healing power of ancient traditions can help us navigate our course.
Here are some other tools for making the transition smoothly:
Meditation - Meditate twice a day, 15 to 20 minutes or longer each time
Shamanic Journeywork - This deep form of meditation helps you contact teachers in the spiritual realms for healing & guidance
Dreams & Visions - Journal your dreams and visions - Watch for cues about what you're processing, how you're evolving, etc.
Sacred Sites - Visit Sacred Sites and commune with the Ancestors and Spiritkeepers of whatever location you are in
Crystals - Work with crystals and gemstones to balance and align the body's subtle energy system and enhance meditation and channeling
Prayer - Prayer is simply holding a space of peace, love, gratitude and forgiveness in your heart - it raises your frequency and opens your channel
Ritual & Ceremony - Follow your guidance on what types of ritual or ceremony are appropriate for you, and whether to do them alone or in community - some examples are smudging, medicine wheel, sacred pipe, fire ceremony or drumming - remember to set a clear intention
Energy/Bodywork - Incorporate Holistic care into your routine - including Reiki, massage, craniosacral therapy, ear coning, essential oil treatments, etc. - trust your intuition when selecting modalities and healers
Spiritual Counseling - If you feel you need assistance, seek a reputable counselor or reader - similar energies attract, so go by your feelings & intuition when selecting someone to work with
Reiki Attunement - Receiving the attunement to the Reiki energy opens your multidimensional channel and sends a strong signal to your Spirit that you're serious about your spiritual path - it also facilitates hands-on healing with others
Diet - Incorporate organic, preferably "live" (raw) foods into your diet - also listen to your body for cues about vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements
Water - Drink at least a gallon of purified water a day
Exercise - Stretch & exercise every day - this means raising your heart rate, producing seratonin and keeping your chi/energy open and flowing
Sacred Movement - Try Yoga/stretching, dance, drumming, walking, jogging, hiking or running to become more grounded and fully in the body
Purification - Soak in hot springs or a sea salt bath, take a steam or sauna, participate in a sweat lodge, fast, try a detox/cleansing regimen - remember to hydrate the body and listen for cues about what's best for you
What to Avoid
Here is a partial list of substances that lower your frequency, which means they hold you back on your spiritual path:
Drugs - alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and controlled substances - try herbal alternatives and homeopathy instead
As the body purifies, the less we are able to tolerate certain substances or environmental conditions. Trust your intuition about what's best for you and what to avoid.
Also, we are reminded to be specific in our prayer work and ceremony about the changes we choose to make and what we are co-creating in our lives.
At the same time, we need to give the Universe room to deliver. Let go. Don't be attached to how and when these joys become manifest. We are to live and enjoy each moment fully, with abundant expectancy, yet without expectations. The magic is happening every day.
We move forward on our paths through gratitude and praise for the expressions of the Divine in our lives. There's no better time to align ourselves in love, merging more fully with our highest aspects.
Enjoy the journey!