Awakened At 4:25 a.m.
(The Awakening Beacon Of Light, New Wave Of Children Of The Light)
We would to bring this message to all who are ready to receive.
We are in a turbulent period of time, and humanity is very uncertain of the future. We all must awaken to what is being given to each individual soul on the planet, and that is the gift to discern what is right or wrong within our hearts. Those who use the “mind frequency�?will be in a state of “illusion�?and “fear.�?The “mind frequency�?is still part of the “animal-like mind�?within the “group consciousness�?of humanity. The awakening soul thinks from the “heart�?then tells the “mind�?what, or what not to do. If we do not adapt to this simple lesson within our daily experience, we will be lost within the frequency of “fallen mankind.�?/FONT>
Those of “like-consciousness�?will be attracted and pulled into the dark atrocities of fallen-mankind. If we can see that “life is a school�?of our own making, and of our own participation, we will then understand everything that is occurring in our lives, and why we are participants in certain actions.
Those who find themselves in situations within the darkness of “fallen mankind�?& within the “animal-like mind�?of humanity, and present circumstances will not, or does not, allow one to leave, let go, or release oneself from these conditions, commitments, or circumstances; upon realizing that this is a “lesson in life,�?the Light within the Heart will awaken.
There are many Children of the Light that suddenly find themselves in the middle of “dark circumstances,�?and upon awakening that it is of the Divine Plan to be in these circumstances, this spark of Light will burst with radiance within the Heart. It does not matter how small, or how dark and grave the circumstances may be, the Child of the Light has awakened. It is as if a “super nova�?has burst within the heart of the awakening soul.
Of course, there will be doubts. “How can I make a difference in this Sea of Darkness, I am only one person, how can I believe that I can make a difference?�?they make ask. Know that the LIGHT NEVER FAILS.
There are two types of Children of the Light. There are those who take action and become active participants to create change. You will instinctively know who they are by the Light that they shine for the Greater Good of All. They are driven and dedicated to their task, regardless of the circumstances. They are public and out-spoken with “no fear,�?as they radiate with the Sacred Heart of the Divine Christ Principle. Keep in mind that they may be Atheist, Scientific, or of the Spiritual, within their “belief systems,�?yet they radiate the Light of the Master Jesus and all the Masters. Know that they usually are not of “religion,�?but rather, completely aware that the Atheist, the Spiritual, and the Scientific, individually can create religions of their own, which are not of the Divine.
The second type is also very effective, as they are the “Beacons of Light.�?They are secretive and silent to their task in a very safe stance. No one knows who they are, or where they are, as they radiate and vibrate in a frequency just above the threshold of darkness. In other words they are invisible to the “dark forces.�?They completely understand the words of the Master, “Darkness Cannot Exist Where There Is Light.�?These individuals can be your neighbors, relatives, family, or even the strangers you meet during the day. They become aware that when they pull in their frequencies into the “heart�?and allow the Light of the Divine to enter through the top of their head, a frequency of Light flows through and out of their hearts to the area of “darkness & confusion.�?nbsp; In a matter of one to three minutes a flow of Light will saturate the area. And, in accordance with the Divine Plan, the results can be immediate, within a few days, or within a long period of time.
Life is a school and some students of the dark, in order to awaken, may need gradual time to adapt to the Light that is being radiated to them. Too much Light at one time can shatter the system. This is why the Divine Plan protects the given target, which can be these “dark individuals,�?or the areas of “darkness & confusion.�?This technique can only work if you have Love in the Heart. It will not work if there is “imbalance�?in the Mental Body, the Emotional Body, or the Physical Body. Any level or measure of “darkness�?cannot, and will not enter the heart; much less create damage to anyone, including those of the “Dark.�?/FONT>
The Children of the Light already possess that “spark of Love,�?which is Light in their Heart. They will instinctively be able to do this technique. The credo of the Children of the Light is “Harmlessness To All.�?They completely understand that we are all brothers and sisters, and we are all One, within the Divine Source of Light, which is the essence we call God.
The new wave of Children of the Light will start to awaken during this cycle that we have entered into. If you are curious, you may try this technique of the “Beacons of Light.�?With Love for the Greater Good of All, and Harmlessness to All, feel the Divine Light as it enters and flows through the heart and out to a given target of need. You will feel a slight tingling sensation flowing from one or three areas of the body. Through the middle of the forehead, from the heart, or from the palms of your hands, you may feel a warm tingling sensation, or other anomaly that will be felt in these areas. You will realize that you are about the Father’s Work.
May the Light shine and bless all who make the effort to awaken, all that is within.
With Love & Light we leave you.
The Messengers of the Light