In wet weather walk over the fields and where the great white mushrooms rise up flat and wide,
gather the greatest cup and carry it home.
That night, by candlelight, take a large needle and with it scratch this small,
upon the mushroom's upper skin:
Flesh of darkness Born of death
Give my will Thy life and breath
Wither dry And shrink to dust
My heart shall feed Upon thy crust
Breathe upon this inscription, and then lock the mushroom away safely for the rest of that night.
The next morning, take a sharp knife and chop the whole in to many little pieces.
Spread them out in an iron pan and set them in a warm oven until they are quite dry.
Then sew them up in a bag of red cloth.
Each night thereafter, wear this charm over your heart, until the desired effect is accomplished.
When it has been fulfilled, you should take the charm back to the field where you took it from
and bury it in the same spot where it was gathered.