Gather together:- A male action man type doll that closest resembles the sort of man
you lust over secretly, a Barbie, Cindy or other fashion type doll you think is like you
and has your hair color,3 red taper candles,2 large, strong rubber bands, a lighter or
taper, a shoebox, cloth that is large enough to wrap the dolls in and yarn of the same color.
Cast your circle the way you are comfortable with and call the Quarters and Deities
associated with love. ( Freya, Aphrodite, Eros.......) whichever you feel is appropriate to you.
Light the incense that you feel attracts love/lust - e.g. musk or whatever feels right to you.
Anoint your candles with rose or other love attracting oils. Light the candle that is for you, and say:
"This candle is my burning love/lust for you. " Then also light and anoint the one for your target, and say:
This candle is your will to love/lust me. (Envision and think of the sort of man you long to be with in
an intimate way!)Get out your cloth and write "Lust" on it and tie two knots in the yarn one at each end.
Place your male target doll by its candle and your doll by your candle. Anoint the last anointed red
candle and place it between the other two, say: "This is the growing love/lust attracting us to each other.
"Take the two lit candles and light the last candle with them at the same time .
Now extinguish the candles for the target candle and your own candle and say :
"By the light of this growing lust for each other I bind him with it until I choose to break the bonds
and part ways with you." Cover the dolls facing each other with the rubber bands around them if desired ,
then bind the cloth with the yarn or sting and tie with one more knot in the center. Place the dolls in the
shoebox and put them somewhere they are not disturbed. Thank the Quarters and the Deities you called
for their presence at your SpellCasting. Close the circle your usual way