I get such a wonderful and peaceful feeling each time I hear "Lemuria" ...and most expecially "MU"...as I believe that is the actual island area that I lived with my Father.
I recall that he was a scientist that worked over in Atlantis doing research ...but was unhappy about what was transpiring there...He brought home many of the experiments that were being done on animals that were supposed to be destroyed, but his heart would not allow that to happen.
We had plenty of land for these creatures to roam so it was natural that he brought them over to Mu. I spent a wonderful life caring for many "manimals" as I lovingly called them in reference to the DNA hybreds...(I find it interesting that sci-fi has recently been "Creating" some of these creatures of my memory...)
I have often wondered if the obscure creatures that lurk in silence and get bad raps are decendents of these loving manimals...Sasquatch, Abominal Snowman, the Yetti, Centours, Ogres, Cyclops, Sphynx, Griffons, Unicorns, Pegisus,...I could go on and on...lol, as there were so many....
Each had their own gentle way and only human involvement and imagination turned them in to monsters.
I have had dreams through the years , that I have wondered at and taken as memroies of those times in Mu. I can remember frolicking with the creatures in harmony and full trust. I can never remember seeing or feeling any animosity in that time.
I felt I was a vegitarian, as most all the creatures were that lived there in harmony with the land. It seemed as if many of these creatures were sterile, but the few that did reproduce tended to have very long gestation periods.
I can remember many Merpeople in my dreams, but I do not know if they were a result of the DNA experiments or if they were creatures of evolution and of Gods. I do not think I knew even then.
I can remember not really liking Atlantis and in fact felt the people of Atlantis were very cruel and techie (is that a word??) . My father would tell me things and we would discuss how wrong many of the things the Atlantians did were...We felt the forcing of the DNA experiments were so wrong and did not please the Gods. But, life was prescious and we accepted all creatures with love.
As time goes by, I will write more of my memories...I hope all of you will share also.
Love & Let Live
~Lady Majyk~