Preparing for a Reiki Attunement
By attending a Reiki class, you will be receiving an attunement to enable you to use the healing energies of Reiki.
The Reiki attunement connects you to a group of people worldwide who are using this divinely guided healing energy to heal themselves, each other, and who are working together to send out positive energies to heal our earth.
To enhance the results of a Reiki attunement, a natural method purification for the mind, body and soul is recommended.
This type of purification allows the overall body to undergo a natural cleansing in order for the Reiki attunement energies to create greater overall benefits.
The following overall bodily purification method is purely optional, and is to be done only if guided to do so:
Refrain from eating red meats, fowl or types of seafood without scales, for three days prior to the attunement. These foods often contain antibiotics, hormones and toxins that can unbalance your system.