Half Body Reiki
For those who are interested in going to Reiki practitioner, there are several different ways in which treatment can be given. If you feel that the blocked energies in your body are in a specific place, then you can ask the practitioner to perform a half-body treatment. This will allow the energy flow to shift in those troubled areas. Half-body treatment is also used by those who do not want to receive treatment for spiritual purposes, but only for physical or spiritual shifts of energy.
One of the major areas where the practitioner will first concentrate is in the head area. This will include the neck muscles and shoulders specifically. By relaxing these areas and changing the flow of energy in them, it will help you to become more balanced and relaxed with the new energies. From here, a practitioner is likely to concentrate on the back muscles. This will also help with relaxation points and with the lower chakra openings. If the problems that you are having are physical or emotional, then concentrating on the lower back is a good way to relieve some of these tensions.
At this point, the practitioner will concentrate on the hip and waist area. This area is directly connected to the first chakra, which helps with physical well-being and keeps one grounded to the earth. If the healing that you need is purely physical, then having a practitioner perform half-body Reiki is a good option.
At this point, a practitioner will stop the practice. This will help one in their balance of the chakras as well as with the physical and emotional health. This type of Reiki does not concentrate on the higher consciousness areas or spiritual parts of the healing method. Half-body Reiki is a good way to practice as a secondary method from healing from an illness or a disease or surgery.
The half-body Reiki method is not as popular as the full body treatment in most. The full body will allow one to balance and align their chakras easier, as well as allow for the universal energy flows to move through their bodies easier. Most who are in Reiki will mostly focus on the full-body Reiki treatment; however, the half-body treatment is always an option.
If you are interested in Reiki for physical healing and relaxation, then receiving a half-body Reiki treatment by a practitioner is the best option for you to take. This will allow for you to help change the energies where the physical and emotional problems are without having to move into things such as spiritual beliefs and changes. Half-body Reiki treatment is a method that is best used as a secondary treatment after an illness or surgery.
For those receiving half-body Reiki, they will still have a sense of relaxation and a better energy flow throughout their body. However, their heart, throat, brow and crown chakra will not be used in this method. Half-body Reiki is for those who want to clear emotional and physical ailments.