(1) Southern waxmyrtle, waxberry, tallow berry, candleberry, tallow shrub, candleberry myrtle
(2) northern bayberry, small waxberry.
Habitat and range
The bayberry is native in sandy swamps or wet woods from New Brunswick south to Florida. Myrica cerifera is found as far west as Texas and Arkansas while M. carolinensis is common in bogs in northern New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
The southern waxmyrtle is a shrub or slender tree up to 40 feet high. The leaves are from 1 to 4 inches long, narrow, wedge-shaped, entire or with a few teeth, and have a fragrant odor when crushed. The flowers appear from March to May, according to locality, generally before the leaves are fully expanded. Male and female flowers are borne on separate trees, the male flowers in cylindrical yellow clusters and the female flowers in green somewhat shorter clusters. The fruit, which remains on the tree for several years, consists of clusters of round, 1-seeded, somewhat berrylike nuts covered with a whitish wax. Northern bayberry is a shrub 8 feet high or less, with broader and blunter leaves.
Part used
The bark of the root, collected in late autumn. After thorough cleansing and while still fresh the bark is loosened and removed by heating the root. The wax obtained from the berries, used for making bayberry candles, is also an article of commerce.
The only species of a useful family that is regarded as official, Myrica cerifera grows in thickets near swamps and marshes in the sand-belt near the Atlantic coast and on the shores of Lake Erie. Its height is from 3 to 8 feet, its leaves lanceolate, shining or resinous, dotted on both sides, its flowers unisexual without calyx or corolla, and its fruit small groups of globular berries, having numerous black grains crusted with greenish-white wax. These are persistent for two or three years. The leaves are very fragrant when rubbed.
The bark as found in commerce is in curved pieces from 1 to 7 inches long, covered with a thin, mottled layer, the cork beneath being smooth and red-brown. The fracture is reddish, granular, and slightly fibrous. The odour is aromatic, and the taste astringent, bitter, and very acrid. It should be separated from the fresh root by pounding, in late autumn, thoroughly dried, and when powdered, kept in darkened, well-closed vessels.
The wax was first introduced into medicinal use by Alexandre in 1722. It is removed from the berries by boiling them in water, on the top of which it floats. It melts at 47 to 49 C. (116.6 to 120.2 F.). It is harder and more brittle than beeswax. Candles made from it are aromatic, smokeless after snuffing, and very brittle. It makes a useful body for surgeon's soap plasters, and an aromatic and softening shaving lather. It has also been used for making sealing-wax. Four-fifths of this wax is soluble in hot alcohol, and boiling ether dissolves more than a quarter of its weight. Four pounds of berries yield about one pound of wax.
There has been found in the bark of stem and root volatile oil, starch, lignin, gum, albumen, extractive, tannic and gallic acids, acrid and astringent resins, a red colouring substance, and an acid resembling saponin.
The wax (Myrtle Wax) consists of glycerides of stearic, palmitic and myristic acids, and a small quantity of oleaic acid.
Medicinal Action and Uses
Astringent and stimulant. In large doses emetic. It is useful in diarrhoea, jaundice, scrofula, etc. Externally, the powdered bark is used as a stimulant to indolent ulcers, though in poultices it should be combined with elm. The decoction is good as a gargle and injection in chronic inflammation of the throat, leucorrhoea, uterine haemorrhage, etc. It is an excellent wash for the gums, as it is particularly useful in bleeding, particularly of the gums.
If using for a gargle this should not be used for an extended period of time as it can become toxic.
The powder is strongly expectorant and excites coughing. Water in which the wax has been 'tried,' when boiled to an extract, is regarded as a certain cure for dysentery, and the wax itself, being astringent and slightly narcotic, is valuable in severe dysentery and internal ulcerations.
Of powder, 20 to 30 grains. Of decoction, 1 to 2 fluid ounces. Of alcoholic extract, or Myricin, 5 grains.
Magickal Uses
Can be burned as incense, particularly associated with Yule. Can also be used during cursings. Barberry scented red or green candles are particularly suitable for use during Yule ritual or simply for scenting the home at Yule