Pine Cone Firestarters
Medium sized pine cones
Paraffin or candle stubs
Candle wicking
Red & green crayons
Waxed paper
Old Miffin Tin
1. Make sure pine cones are dry & fully opened. Open partially closed cones by baking them 30 minutes in a 200 degree oven.
2. Melt paraffin or candle stubs in a large tin can set inside a pan of water (a makeshift double boiler). Do not place can directly on the heat, as paraffin has a tendency to catch fire under such conditions.
3. Dip each pinecone in paraffin to coat completely. Set aside on waxed paper to cool. You may repeat this step 2 or three times, if desired.
4. Melt a small amount of paraffin in small can, following the above melting procedure. Tint the wax red or green by melting a crayon into it.
5. Pour the melted paraffin 1/2" deep into muffin cups.
6. Insert a wick (1 1/2" long) so it comes out on the side. Just before paraffin hardens, press a pinecone into the top.
7. Allow to harden completely.
8. Dip bottom of muffin tins into hot water to loosen, & remove fire starters.
9. Set aside to dry on waxed paper.
To use, place a fire starter under kindling & light the wick.