 | | From:  Su_SN (Original Message) | Sent: 7/8/2008 1:22 PM |
我是參加celop july 15的新�?/DIV> 住學校宿�?/DIV> 因此比起解決吃方面的問題 更想知道學校附近的超市有賣生活用品嗎? (有的話、哪一�?) 或有純粹賣生活用品的量販店大賣場之類�?/DIV> 像target or walmart 另外想知道、離學校最近的CVS在哪�? 還有,因為抵達波士頓的時間約早上六七�?/DIV> 再搭小黃到學校也才八點多左右 我已閱讀過新生手�?/DIV> 但還是想請問各位學長�?/DIV> 是要先去warren towers辦理住宿、還是在celop辦公室前等辦公時間開門? 在學校給予的資料及網頁上皆已寫明celop暑期學生住宿在south campus brownstones 可否請各位學長姐先提供一些相關住宿資�?ex.環境、設備、軟硬體等等) 才曉得行李應該如何準備或抵達後該如何採買~ 再來,還想請問一�?/DIV> AT&T的易付卡哪裡買得�? 便利商店? 直營�? 感激不盡!!!!!  |
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Q: 更想知道學校附近的超市有賣生活用品嗎? (有的話、哪一�?) A: Target �?Walmart 都有點遠, 尤其 Walmart, �?Boston 開車�?nbsp;25 分鐘才到的了�?/DIV> South Campus 旁邊�?Shaws Supermarket �?Bed Bath & Beyond 可應付妳所有問題�?/DIV> 請善�? http://maps.google.com 走路 5 分鐘就可以到這上述這兩間店採買日用品�?/DIV> Q: 另外想知道、離學校最近的CVS在哪�? A: CELOP �?Builindg @ 2F 正對�? �?10m 公尺的馬�? 就有一�?CVS, 記得要一�?CVS �? 免錢�?/DIV> Q:還有,因為抵達波士頓的時間約早上六七�?再搭小黃到學校也才八點多左右 A: 有同學會, 可寫信過去安排接機�?/DIV> Q: 我已閱讀過新生手�?/DIV> A: �?. 載點我上傳的.. 科科.. Q: 是要先去warren towers辦理住宿、還是在celop辦公室前等辦公時間開門? A: 先去 Warren Towers Check-in, 那裡都會有人值班, 之後再去 CELOP 報到�?/DIV> Q: 可否請各位學長姐先提供一些相關住宿資�?ex.環境、設備、軟硬體等等) A: 沒啥好介紹的, 就是老老的紅磚式建築。是波士頓一大特色�?/DIV> 是又貴又小的老公�? 最大的優點是交通方�? 離棒球場超近, 生活機能很優�?/DIV> Q: AT&T的易付卡哪裡買得�? 便利商店? 直營�? A: AT&T 很多人抱怨在 Boston 收訊不是很好, 可考慮 T-Mobile, 也是�?sim 卡�?/DIV> |
 | | From:  Su_SN | Sent: 7/9/2008 2:58 AM |
後來、還想到一個問�?/DIV> charlie card是不是先在機場買比較好~ 學校附近的電車車站好像沒在賣...是嗎?! |
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South Campus 附近�?Kenmore 站就有售票機, 有簡體中�? 欲知地點, 可上 Google Mpas. 7/15 到可先買兩張週票 (一�?5), 月底時改買八月的月票(一�?0), 可搭 Bus & Subway. 真的要省錢可以找�?2�?�?BU East 那站下車, Warran Tower 就在旁邊, 或者找 BUTSA 接機. |
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 | | From:  Su_SN | Sent: 7/9/2008 3:27 PM |
我是想知道~ 像悠遊卡可儲值、感應式磁卡的charlie card...... 所以,Kenmore 站的售票機有賣嗎? |
 | | From:  CWuH | Sent: 7/9/2008 4:35 PM |
you can buy Charlie Card in Shaws or Store 24. I am not sure about 7-11 but I'll check later today.
About South Campus Brownstone. They are old building, You might need a fan. It is a very convenient area, however. There is one 7-11 convenience store in the center of South Campus and few descent restaurants nearby including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French-Cambodia restaurants. Also there is 1 supermarket within 5-10 min walk.
There is 1 computer lab in South Campus open for all BU students. (including CELOP).
Feel free to email me with any question at [email protected]
My name is Charlie. |
 | | From:  CWuH | Sent: 7/9/2008 4:49 PM |
oh, it is around 10-20 min walk from BU south campus to CELOP. Sometimes it is faster than taking T if you walk. |
 | | From:  CWuH | Sent: 7/14/2008 7:28 PM |
7-11 do not sell Charlie Card. Sorry for the late reply. |
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