 | | From: Gilbert (Original Message) | Sent: 9/23/2008 4:54 PM |
************************************************************* H T S A A n n o u n c e m e n t s *************************************************************
Hi 大家好,
天氣漸漸轉涼,現在正是去採購冬衣的好時機。HROCC & HTSA 準備�?0/5 星期天帶大家�?Wrentham Village Outlet Mall 逛�?BR>http://www.premiumoutlets.com/outlets/outlet.asp?id=10
時間�?0/5 星期�?早上10點集合出發,下午4點離開�?交通時間來回各約五十分�? 費用:會�?5, 非會�?20 這次我們打算包一台遊覽車出發,報名人數有限,有興趣的同學請在9/28 星期天之前跟我聯�?姓名、電話、參加人�?�?email [email protected])
Hi Everyone,
Whether or not you have enough clothing for the winter, it's a good idea to check out Wrentham Village outlet mall. HROCC & HTSA is reserving a bus to take everyone there on Sunday, October 5th. http://www.premiumoutlets.com/outlets/outlet.asp?id=10
Time: Sunday, October 5th, leave Harvard at 10 am and depart from Wrentham at 4 pm. (It take about 50 minutes to get there.) Cost: Member 15 per person, Nonmember 20 RSVP by Sep 28, (email [email protected]) When you RSVP, please tell me your name, phone number and number of attendance.
Sincerely, Yang Ting Chien, Renee Sher
-- Harvard Taiwanese Student Association home page: http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/htsa/ e-mail: [email protected] also at: telnet://ptt3.cc www.facebook.com |
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