 | | Message 1 of 1 in Discussion |
| From: Gilbert (Original Message) | Sent: 9/9/2008 4:21 AM |
各位同學們大家好�?BR> 中秋迎新晚會將在這個星期六(9/13)晚上六點 Dudley House 二樓舉行*。我們會準備晚餐,茶點以及中秋月餅。歡迎大家帶朋友們來參加。會�?含迎新晚會費�?10元,家庭會費15,晚�?不參加會�?5元�?BR>*地點如有更動,將另發email 通知
新生們,為了方便我們準備新生簡介,麻煩將中英文姓名、系所、照片以及簡單的資料(大學校系、興趣等等,內容可以自由發揮�? �?/11以前寄給周宏�?([email protected])�?BR> 其他活動公告�?BR> 台灣公務�?008年哈佛大學菁英班 9/8 ~ 9/26 日在 Kennedy School 有三週的實習。其�?9/10(三)中�?2:30-2:00將在哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院Littauer Center的Malkin Penthouse舉辦台灣論壇(Taiwan Forum),主題有關兩岸經貿關係,歡迎同學們踴躍參加。活動內容請看附加檔案以及網�?BR>http://www.hks.harvard.edu/news-events/events-calendar/china-taiwan-relations-after-the-2008-taiwan-presidential-elections�?BR>
簡揚�?& 佘孟�?敬上
Hi Everyone,
Moon festival & new student welcome party is this Saturday (Sep. 13) at Dudley House Common Room (Second Floor*).There will be dinner, drinks and moon cakes. All are welcome.If you are planning to join the club, the club fee is $ 10 (including fee for this event), family price $ 15, or dinner only $5.
For new students, we are preparing a new student introduction. Please help us by sending an email including your name, department, a photo, and a little more info (undergrad education, interest, etc) to Danny Chou by Sep 11. Email add: [email protected].
*The location is subject to change. We will send out another email if that happens.
Sincerely, Yang Ting Chien, Renee Sher
%%% Additional Announcement %%%
There will be a special forum "Economic and Trade Relations Across the Taiwan Strait - Zooming in President Ma's Agenda" organized by Kennedy School at 12:30 on Wednesday, Sep. 10. For more information, please see the attachment and the announcement on the web
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