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波士頓大學台灣留學生專屬社群[email protected] 
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就業情報來這裡 : OPT up to 29 months Part 2
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From: Gilbert  (Original Message)Sent: 4/6/2008 8:53 PM

發信�? sixthday (魏晉風流如夢吟,才情武功第一�?, 信區: JobHunting
�?�? 查找你的專業是否STEM的權威網站,大家自己去查�?BR>發信�? BBS 未名空間�?(Fri Apr 4 16:46:30 2008)
Note: 這只是Interm rule. 專業有可能在以後會增加或者減�?/DIV>
然後看看是不是在這個範圍裏�?注意最後一點的 exception, 並不�?xxxx 代表所�?
DC: U.S. To be eligible for the 17-month OPT extension, a student must have received a degree in the following:
Actuarial Science. NCES CIP Code 52.1304
Computer Science: NCES CIP Codes 11.xxxx (except Data EntryMicrocomputer
Applications, NCES CIP Codes 11.06xx )
Engineering: NCES CIP Codes 14.xxxx

Engineering Technologies: NCES CIP Codes 15.xxxx
Biological and Biomedical Sciences: NCES CIP Codes 26.xxxx
Mathematics and Statistics: NCES CIP Codes 27.xxxx
8 Military Technologies: NCES CIP Codes 29.xxxx
Physical Sciences: NCES CIP Codes 40.xxxx
Science Technologies: NCES CIP Codes 41.xxxx
Medical Scientist (MS, PhD): NCES CIP Code 51.1401
"Note that catch-all NCES CIP codes ending in "99" are not considered STEM designated degrees"

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