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(2 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameemilee000  (Original Message)Sent: 1/20/2009 8:16 PM
以下東西想要出清 有興趣的話可索取照片  ~謝謝^^
1. 白色立燈(附一個燈�?                                       $10
2  象印大熱水瓶                                                     $35
3  韓國電毯(七段式控�?                                      $20
4  綠色半身�?nbsp; 36cm*30cm                                   $5
5  小夜�?nbsp;                                                               $3
6  馬克�?nbsp; *2                                                          �?2
7  Kaplan  tofel 整套書籍                                        兩本練習 兩本解答 $20
8  白色烤土司機                                                    $10
有興趣或有問題的�? 歡迎來電或email詢問
聯絡方式: [email protected] or 857-2346238
凡購�?30 以上 �?精美小禮�?

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