 | | From: Gilbert (Original Message) | Sent: 8/30/2008 5:45 PM |
 | 【中央社╱紐約二十八日專電�?/DIV> | 2008.08.29 02:13 pm | | http://udn.com/NEWS/ENTERTAINMENT/ENT3/4495261.shtml | 台灣編導吳念真將於九月中旬到波士頓,參加由駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處與哈佛大學合辦「向大師致敬--楊德昌/吳念真電影展」的首映,並在放映會後與觀眾暢談創作理念�?/P> 楊德昌、吳念真與侯孝賢是一九八零年代台灣的新銳導演及新電影浪潮的代表人物。楊德昌描繪都會生活的電影,例如他獲得坎城影展最佳導演獎的影片「一一」,映照出台灣快速變遷的社會,受到國際影壇的肯定。吳念真執導的「多桑」也受到美國名導演馬丁.史科西斯推崇,認為是紀錄一九九零年代庶民生活的重要作品�?/P> 由九月十三日至二十一日在哈佛大學電影資料館舉行的影展,將放映十部楊德昌和吳念真的電影作品。九月十三日的首映會選映的是楊德昌的「青梅竹馬」及他未完成的動畫遺作「追風」�?/P> 去年辭世的楊德昌當年勇於提拔新人,為台灣電影界培養不少優秀人才,例如在「牯嶺街少年殺人事件」裡的青澀少年張震。知名攝影家杜可風初次為電影掌鏡的作品就是楊德昌執導的「海灘的一天」�?/P> 吳念真將在十四日及十五日的電影放映會後與觀眾對談,說明他的創作理念及影片中反映的時代背景�?/P> 電影放映會的場次是:九月十三日晚間七時放映「青梅竹馬」;十四日下午三時放映「一一」,晚間七時放映「多桑」;十五日晚間七時放映「海灘的一天」;十九日晚間七時放映「恐怖份子」,九時放映「獨立時代」;二十日晚間七時放映「牯嶺街少年殺人事件」;二十一日下午三時放映「光陰的故事」,七時放映「太平天國」,九時十五分放映「麻將」�?/P> 哈佛大學電影資料館成立於一九七九年,經常舉辦國際電影及獨立製片的放映會及知名編導的影片回顧展,舉辦影展期間會邀請導演、攝影及演員參加影片放映會後的討論會�? �?008/08/29 中央社�?/SPAN>@ http://udn.com/  | |
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 | | From: Gilbert | Sent: 9/11/2008 6:03 PM |
From Sep 13 to 21, there are a series of Taiwanese films showing at Harvard Film Archive. The Taiwan Stories of Edward Yang and Wu Nien-jen For more information please visit the website http://hcl.harvard.edu/hfa/films/2008septoct/yang.html
And please also see the forwarded message about a talk on 9/16 by Director Wu Nien-jen September 16, 4pm at Yenching Common Room, 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138
best, renee
---------- Forwarded message ----------
This is a talk by the popular Taiwanese director Wu Nien-jen. Pleaseforward to all interested.. Thanks!
Dear Friends,
I'd like to invite you to a talk by Taiwan director/screenwriter/actor WuNien-jen 吳念�? who will be in town in conjunction with a wonderful fim series at the HarvardFilm Archive.
"The Taiwan Stories of Edward Yang and Wu Nien-jen" will be screening thisweekend and next. Details about the films and screening times can be found at HFAwebsite, linked here:
Wu Nien-jen will also be present for brief Q&As after the screening of hisfilm "A Borrowed Life" (Duosang) on 9/14, and after Yang's "YiYi" (he is the star of that movie),but the 9/16 talk will be a chance to have a more extended conversation with one of the majorarchitects of New Taiwan Cinema, someone who continues to be a central figure on the contemporary Taiwan cultural scene.
DATE AND TIME: September 16, Tuesday 4pm LOCATION: Yenching Common Room, 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 EVENT: A Conversation with Wu Nien-jen hosted by the Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, HarvardUniversity
For more information, please contact [email protected]
More information on Wu Nien-jen: (provided by the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office in Boston)
Wu Nien-jen
An accomplished man of many talents, Wu Nien-jen began his artistic career asa novel writer while he was still an accounting major in college. He laterjoined the Central Motion Picture Corporation in 1978 where he worked withdirectors Hou Hsiao Hsien and Edward Yang to create films which arecelebrated as the Taiwan New Wave Movement.
Wu has since written over 70 screenplays which were made into films includingHou's A City of Sadness and Dust in the Wind, King Hu's All the Kings Men,and Ann Hui's Song of Exile. He acted in 3 of Yang's films- YiYi, TaipeiStory, and Mahjong. Wu has also directed A Borrowed Life and Buddha BlessAmerica. He is a active today as a celebrated fixture on Taiwanese TV as anactor, a noted director of many stage plays and the star of many TVcommercials.