 | | From:  那個慧敏啦 (Original Message) | Sent: 9/5/2007 6:12 PM |
(不知道這算不算是好康分享?要不然我也不知貼哪就是了。) 會上這個網站的我們,應該都是台灣來的小孩,但是我們真的認識我們自己的社會文化嗎?如果你有興趣修與台灣相關的課,我在這邊推薦一門由人類學系開�?The Ethnography of Taiwan (ANT 593)。下星期一(九月十日)是第一堂課,至少可以來聽聽看。授課教授是Robert Weller,長期在台灣做田野,對台灣認識很深廣,人又和藹親切,如果你剛好不衝堂,又對這有一點興趣,就請來聽聽吧�?BR> Robert Weller [email protected].
教室�?PLS RM 102 Address: 232 Bay State Road 面對CAS(靠近BU East)與停車場中間的路直走第一個巷子左轉,應該是第二棟(外面會寫Anthropology)的一樓左邊就�?RM102�?BR> Sept. 10: Introduction Sept. 17: Historical Backdrop I Murray Rubenstein, Taiwan: A New History (expanded edition), 2006 Sept. 24: Historical Backdrop II Murray Rubenstein, Taiwan: A New History (expanded edition), 2006 (cont'd.) Oct. 1: Taiwan and China Emma Teng, Taiwan's Imagined Geography: Chinese Colonial Travel Writing and Pictures, 1683-1895, 2006 Oct. 9: The Colonial Experience Leo Ching, Becoming Japanese: Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation, 2001 Oct. 15: Family Life in the 1960s Margery Wolf, House of Lim, 1968 Oct. 22: Changes in Family and Kinship Bonnie Adrian, Framing the Bride: Globalizing Beauty and Romance in Taiwan's Bridal Industry, 2003 Prospectus due today!! Oct. 29: Religion: Early Arguments Arthur Wolf, “Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors,�?1974 (available on line) Arthur Wolf, “Introduction,�?1974 (available on line) Maurice Freedman, �?On the Sociological Study of Chinese Religion," 1974 (available on line) Meir Shahar and Robert Weller, “Introduction,�?1996 (available on line) Nov. 5: Religious Change Mark L. Moskowitz, The Haunting Fetus: Abortion, Sexuality, and the Spirit World in Taiwan, 2001 Robert Weller, “Matricidal Magistrates�?�?1996 (available on line) Julia Chien-yu Huang and Robert Weller, "Merit and Mothering: Women and Social Welfare in Taiwanese Buddhism," 1998 (available on line) Nov. 19: Finding Identity Melissa Brown, Is Taiwan Chinese? The Impact of Culture, Power, and Migration on Changing Identities, 2004 Paper outline due today!! Nov. 26: Democratization Robert Weller, Alternate Civilities, 1999 |
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