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好康分享來這裡 : 2006Nobel和平獎獲得者這個週六在BU演講~
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From: AlexanderJing  (Original Message)Sent: 10/11/2007 3:07 AM

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: GilbertSent: 10/11/2007 5:14 AM

Lecture with Dr. Muhammad Yunus

Dr. Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of Grameen Bank (Bangladesh), will be coming to Boston University during his current tour of the U.S.

BU is proud to host the "Banker to the Poor" for an afternoon lecture on the ongoing War on Poverty and how microlending is liberating the poor worldwide. A Q&A session led by the audience will follow the lecture.

Learn first-hand about how Professor Yunus had the vision to start a bank that lends small amounts of money to impoverished Bangladeshi villlagers for the purpose of starting small businesses. One of UNESCO millennium goals is to use this " microfinance" model to cut world poverty in half before 2015.

2:30 - 5:00 on Saturday, October 13th, 2007

Location : GSU Metcalf Ballroom

For further information about the preceding programs, please contact the Student Activities Office at (617) 353-3635.
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