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波士頓大學台灣留學生專屬社群[email protected] 
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室友租屋來這裡 : �?2/17-12/19三天兩夜sublease
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From: shellyCH  (Original Message)Sent: 11/25/2008 6:12 AM
hi, I am a current NYU grad student. I want to visit Boston with my boyfriend on Dec.17-19.We are now looking for sublease with independent room(bathroom including prefer). not to far form Harvard Univaersity, or with convienent transport system. We two are neat, quiet, non-smoking Taiwanese. pls mail me at [email protected] if you have clean room avaible. Thanks (I would be appreciateif u can attach some pictures of your room) �? 我是NYU的研究生,想跟我男友短期分�?2/17-12/19在波士頓的房�?最好附衛浴),希望不要離Harvard U太遠,或是有便利的交通工具也可接�?我們兩個都很愛乾淨,安靜且不抽菸.若有合適房間,請寄到我的e-mail :[email protected], (煩請附幾張房間照�?多謝!!

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