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 Message 266 of 275 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMrs5521  in response to Message 265Sent: 11/6/2008 8:48 PM
        Gladys   MRS   MRS
  Gladys   ELAINE   Gladys   MRS   MRS
Lol,Elaine.Yes it will soon be that time.Glad that I am not going to be doing it.
Ladies do you really mean that we are shoveling ALL READY
Mrs.I say Ont.will not be doing it yet. No Gladys we told mother nature we need to cancell our snow for this year. santa is coming on a trike.

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     re: >>SHOVELING SNOW<<   MSN NicknameGladys9218  11/8/2008 9:09 PM