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Cod au Gratin


1 lb. cod fillets         pepper to taste

1/4 cup butter          1 small onion, finely chopped

1/4 cup flour            1/2 cup breadcrumbs or cracker crumbs

1 1/4 cups milk        1/2 cup grated cheese

1 tsp. salt


Preheat oven to 375. Place cod in greased baking dish. In heavy saucepan melt butter, stir in flour until smooth and remove from heat. Gradually stir in half the milk; return to heat and beat until smooth and shiny. Gradually add remaining milk, salt pepper and onion. Cook, stirring until smooth and thickened. Pour sauce over fish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese. Bake 375 for 15 - 30 minutes until sauce bubbles and fish is cooked.

Serving Information

  • Serves:
  • Fat: g
  • Calories: