Hey has anybody got Skype installed. I just got it and want to test it out. I'm kirkandheather.denison The vidcam scared the shit out of me when I first saw myself but I need it for next year. Troy is off to Broome to stay with gareth next year and I can talk for free to both of them with skype
I don't know how it works but my brother uses it to ring me and our parents on the phone from the middle of Oz. Sound wise it is much like a overseas call made in the late 80s early 90s i.e. speech delays. Cheap way of calling though.
I do have broadband but havent been able to test it out yet. A friendup the road is downloading it and a friend in Sweden has it so I will let you know when I finally manage to use it what it is like. Free calling is good even if it is slow when both boys will be so far away.