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General : Alert alert - teenager in the house
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 Message 1 of 42 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameßeaker  (Original Message)Sent: 3/15/2007 10:04 AM
OMG - teenagers are so awful.  I knew they were bad, but they are bloody awful - and today was incredibly mild.
I forgot that being over the age of 20 - I am stupid, know nothing and have no idea.  I nag way too much (that I will admit) , and don't understand what it's like to be a 14 year old.
Yesterday, SD got her pay from her afterschool job.  She started ranting about how it was less than what she normally gets - that she'd done extra hours.......  She stormed off to school.
I sat down at the computer before work and she'd left her transaction summary open on the computer.  I noticed (not being nosy) that she was paid more than she thought - but because her account was in OD before her pay went in, her balance was obviously less than her pay. 
Try explaining that to her tonight???  There was an argument about what extra hours she'd worked, when she'd worked them (different pay period).  Her poor father - he's not used to her arguing with him.  He was trying to talk to her and explain everything - she was basically yelling back at him.  I had to intervene to get her to be quiet.
This is the first of what I predict to be many arguments - proving the hormones have really kicked in.  - somebody please patent my teenager in a bubble invention.
I don't remember being argumentative when I was a teenager.  Worse thing is - Caitlin is already a feisty little miss - what will she be like as a teenager???

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     re: Alert alert - teenager in the house   MSN NicknameKiwithrottlejockey  3/21/2007 4:31 AM