I spoke to my brother (her husband) last night. He is worried, but said she spent yesterday down at the funeral home dressing the body. So I think she is dealing with at least some of it.
I told him about the suicide survivors rights and that I had send it via email to mum so he said he would go up and print it off. They took their housebus up to Scott's place and are staying there with him. I didn't speak to Karen because she was in with Scott and things were messy, but Ian and I had a long talk.
The funeral is tomorrow and he's thinking of coming down after that. They are definately coming down in the housebus in January, but a short trip away might be on the cards now too. He's waivering about getting their house finished, or just "fucking off" for a week or so.
I voted for the fucking off for a week. It isn't going to make that much difference to the house.