Over the last couple of years I have put on a huge amount of weight thru bad eating habits, depression and stress. I had a hospital appointment the other day to check on my heart defects and the ECG was definitely abnormal. The cardiologist says I have to lose weight to save my life. It is so embarrassing as I have only myself to blame and could really kick myself for letting depression and stress get to me. The real embarrassing part is having to admit to myself that I do have an eating problem and that I have put my life at risk. I have to lose a minimum of 64kg.
I have done it once before about 5 years ago. I have already stopped buying coca-cola and junk food and have bought up huge on fruit and veges. I have started walking as exercise doing 20 minutes a day for the last 3 days as I am so unfit I can't really do more. I will build my fitness levels up. My goal is to lose 1kg per week. It is going to be hard work but I thought that if I had this thread I could write my progress down.