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General : Suicide
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 Message 33 of 39 in Discussion 
From: Lovelee  in response to Message 32Sent: 1/16/2008 2:13 AM
I get soo pissed off at the goings on of young girls. dont they just need their heads bashed, some of them anyway.  I dont know how many times Ive had to go down the path of encouraging a young girl to understand the machinations of them.  and how tomorrow they will all be friends again, if theres more than 2 theres trouble
Damn the damage thats done when there is a suicide huh?
Karey, you know this, but Im gonna tell u anyway.  The best thing youve done and are still doing is being there for her and listening.  You have recognised you dont have to say anything, just to be an ear, somewhere thats safe to telll all the horrible stuff to, where she knows its not going to go any further.
You have learnt a lot through this, so the warning signs will always be flashing for you, watch her with care. 

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     re: Suicide   MSN Nicknameßeaker  4/28/2008 10:27 AM