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General : Alert alert - teenager in the house
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 Message 37 of 42 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameshef©  in response to Message 36Sent: 8/12/2008 8:55 PM
Well, I'm stoked. I made an appointment with her dean to see what was going on. Apparently she hasn't missed a single wood tech class. The dean called in the deputy principal to see what options there were for her. They are going to fnd her work ex. hopefully at a cabinet makers, failing that with builders, carpenters etc.and then hopefully help us to find an apprenticeship.
On the days she isn't doing work-ex, they want her to attend english and ICT classes, but the rest of the time she is allowed to spend at wood working.
Their attitude was that she knows what she wants to do and staying at school until the end of 7th form won't make much difference to her future.
I'm amazed at how much difference it's already made to her! After one day she's lost her loudness, defiance and defensiveness (is that a wordlol) and is looking forward to going to school/work-ex.
I take my hat off to both those men, they could have easily put her in the too hard basket and kicked her out of school!

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     re: Alert alert - teenager in the house   Alicat  8/13/2008 12:25 AM