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General : Bye Bye Helen
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 Message 11 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrownie49   in response to Message 10Sent: 11/12/2008 9:48 PM
They will fuck round with the national super under whatever guise it be, until it is again worthless - for the third time - and they will raise the age of eligibility to 70.
National Party Leader John Key has unveiled an economic management plan that will provide a much-needed boost to weekly superannuation payments. 

Mr Key says National is determined to lift the incomes and living standards of all New Zealanders, and today's announcement fulfils a pledge he made at the party's annual conference in August.

"I'm also repeating the other pledges I made then.

"National will retain all the superannuation entitlements and eligibility rules that our senior citizens currently enjoy. We will keep this pledge and I will resign as Prime Minister, and as a member of our Parliament, rather than break it.

Mr Key says the pre-election opening of the books has been fully considered.

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     re: Bye Bye Helen   MSN NicknameKiwithrottlejockey  11/13/2008 3:23 AM