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Meddlers in Time : The League of Temporal Adventurers
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 Message 123 of 133 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOswald_Bastable  in response to Message 1Sent: 10/3/2005 3:50 AM
Just done yet another edit, to the whole thing- I needed to put action breaks (three asterisx's) between the scene changes. Something publishers seem to want.
Latest stuff on the site, in word RTF and txt.
I'm now working on part II of book two, but won't put that on-line until it is finished. In this part, we go back three years before the first book starts and get to know the characters a bit more. This part is set in early New Zealand. Got about 8000 words done, so far.

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     re: The League of Temporal Adventurers   MSN NicknameOswald_Bastable  11/13/2005 1:14 AM