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Manage XNC2 : Cathy Scheiblehner & Dean West nicknames
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 Message 21 of 30 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAres Abani �?/nobr>  in response to Message 19Sent: 4/5/2005 2:52 PM
That nick indeed is one of Lynns. She has been around for ages. She has created many boards but they usually get shut down by MSN or her Assistant managers getting pissed off and destory the boards and go and build other boards. I used to be a member of one of her earlier boards( caskur was a member as well but hardly ever posted)  That is where caskur met Dazcity and several Americans she has pissed off. I have never joined another of Lynns boards because the one I did join I almost got my eyes burnt out when some crazy woman with a camera started posted pictures of herself in the fricking buff. At first I thought it was just some male type posting female pictureslike male types sometimes do( boy will be boys) but it wasn't. That made me sad to think that some woman out there was that lonely so I never went back to Lynns board.
But lynn usually just posted muslim shit.. I think she is a bit to the left in political beliefs but she don't like Muslims worth a shit.a bun

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     re: Cathy Scheiblehner & Dean West nicknames   MSN NicknameAres Abani �?/nobr>  4/5/2005 2:56 PM