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 Message 158 of 167 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKiwithrottlejockey  in response to Message 157Sent: 7/20/2005 5:29 AM
Don't sweat over it.  Nitz and I were on the verge of taking action, although we would probably have asked members to delete certain messages rather than pulling the entire thread.  We know you did it with the best of intentions.  I dragged the matter up on XNC2 so as to get the attention of assistant managers (because I know some of them have never read those guidelines), but also to demonstrate to the members that the way we run the group is above board and that we value freedom of speech above all else, but with the proviso that the safety of the group always comes first.
However, in future, it is really important that anything deleted from XNC2 by management (apart from their own messages when they make an error) must be reposted into the Management group first so we have a record.
Both Nitz and I are of the opinion that all future management discussions regarding XNC2 should be moved to the Management group instead of discussing them in here.  However, perhaps this message board could be left open so that other members of The Bar who aren't AMs at XNC2 can raise issues from time to time.

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     re: XNC2 Management Discussions   MSN NicknameOswald_Bastable  7/20/2005 6:00 AM
     re: XNC2 Management Discussions   MSN NicknameCaprox     7/22/2005 5:41 AM