Rosemary is one of my all time favorite herbs.
The branches of this evergreen shrub looks similar to a Christmas tree, and smell even better.
It can grow up to five feet tall, and does well in containers, but it's hard to overwinter indoors.
Rosemary Hair Treatment
Use this rinse to darken, condition and tone hair.
Hot Method: Fill a jar with fresh rosemary and cover with sunflower or almond oil. Place the jar up to the neck in a saucepan of water and bring to a medium temperature. Simmer for up to three hours. Strain through filter paper or cloth into a brown glass bottle.
Cold Method: Follow the instructions above, except that the oil should be placed on a sunny windowsill for up to three weeks instead of heated. The process can be repeated with the strained oil infusion and a fresh supply of herbs to make a stronger oil.
To Use: Work the oil into the hair, then cover with plastic wrap and a warm towel. Relax in a warm place with a good book for 30 minutes to an hour, then shampoo.