Plant & General Divination
Divination is a form of telling the future through things in nature. It is asking Questions and getting answers from nature..
Fill five flower pots with the same kind of dirt. Plant in each pot a seed of the same type of flower, on the same day and at the same time. Ensure that they have the same exposure to sunlight. For best results, do this on the day of the full moon.
On a small piece of tape, write an expected or hope-for future and apply this to the side of one pot. Continue until all five pots have been designated with five different features. (Small signs attached to sticks or twigs may also be used, thrust into the earth near the pot's side.) Water as usual. The seed that first germinates determines the event that will most likely occur in the near future.
The Apple:
Using a silver knife, peel an apple so that it comes off the fruit in one unbroken strip. (If the peel breaks while paring, try again at a later time and eat the apple.)
When you've been successful, ask your question and throw the peel over your left shoulder. It will produce a shape on the floor behind you. If this shape is anything other than an O or U, the answer is yes.
Another apple divination is related to the daisy rite described below. It exists in many variants; here is one of the most popular. Find an apple that still has stem end attached. Ask your question. Hold the apple in your left hand and, with your right, begin twisting the stem. With each twist, say yes or no. The word that you say when the stem twists off (or directly prior to this occurrence) signifies the answer to your question.
The Daisy:
This is perhaps the best known of all plant divinations. As you probably know, it consists of removing each petal from the daisy while saying "she loves me, she loves me not." (The masculine pronoun is used where appropriate.) The sentence stated as the last petal removed reveals the truth. Any daisy-like flower can be used for this technique.
A second form of daisy divination isn't limited to matters of love. Ask a binary question. As you pluck each petal, say yes or no. As the last petal falls, the answer has been given.
This type of procedure represents a genuine form of divination, proven effective during many centuries of practice. However, few persons today (especially the children who constitute its usual practitioners) are probably aware of this technique's great antiquity.
The Dandelion:
Use this technique to discover whether a wish will come true and how soon. Find a dandelion that has gone to seed. Ask whether some desired wish will come true. Blow hard against the seeds. If all the seeds fly off, your wish will be shortly granted. If a few of the seeds remain, a bit of time will be necessary for this to occur. If many of the seeds are left, your desire will not be granted.
An alternate method consists of thinking of your husband, wife, or mate, while blowing on the dandelion. If all of the seeds fly away, the relationship is stable. If not, problems may be on their way.
A third method: blow away the winged seeds, while asking a yes or no question. If they immediately fall to the ground, the answer is no. If they float away on the wind, yes.
Find a suitable leaf. Write a question upon the leaf. Place it in a safe spot. If it quickly withers and dries, the prospects aren't rosy. However, if it remains fresh and dries slowly, the sign are favorable.
Sand Divination:
Obtain a quantity of fine sand. (Color doesn't matter.) Pour it into a square or rectangular tray to the depth of three inches. Place this on a table before you. Hold a pencil or similar object loosley in your hand and place its point on the center of the sand. Close your eyes and state your question. Breath deeply and relax.
You'll have a strong urge to move the pencil. Let it move of its own accord across and through the sand. Continue this until the pencil stops moving, or in about three minutes.
Remove the pencil and look down at the symbols on the sand. There may be legible words or symbols in the sand. There may also be Y for yes, an N for no, or a P for perhaps.
Some of the most commonly seen symbols in the sand include:
Large circle: Misfortune.
Small circle: News, especially pertaining to work.
Triangle: Success.
Square: Obstacles.
A Long Line: A Journey.
A Short Line: A Visitor.
A Heart: Love, relationships, and frienships.
Broken or uneven heart: Partings.
A Flower: Beginnings.
An X: Love.
If other symbols appear, interpret them with your question in mind.
Dice Divination:
The message received is said to usually come to within nine days. It is not recommended to attempt dice divination on a Monday or Wednesday. The Oracle itself determines the message (that is, it won't answer a specific question). Use your own insight to broaden the dice's divinatory ability.
To proceed, place three dice of the same size either in a cup or in your hands. Shake them vigorously and allow them to fall onto a flat surface. Add the numbers that appear on the upper surfaces of the dice, then determine the readind according to this list:
Three: The smallest number that can appear. Pleasant surprises in the very near future.
Four: Unpleasantness of some kind may occur.
Five: Plans will come to fruition; a wish will be granted.
Six: A loss of some kind is forecast.
Seven: Possible difficulties in business, money troubles, gossip and so on.
Eight: Expect criticism.
Nine: Marriage; unions.
Ten: Birth, either of a child or new project.
Eleven: A parting, which may be temporary.
Twelve: A message of importance will soon arrive.
Thirteen: Sorrow.
Fourteen: Friendship; help from a new friend.
Fifteen: Begin no new projects for a few days.
Sixteen: A pleasant journey.
Seventeen: A change in plans may soon be necessary.
Eighteen: Success, a wish will be obtained. This is the very best number to appear.
Crystal Gazing:
Crystal Gazing is best performed at night, ideally on the full moon or during its waxing. Lower the lights but leave at least one candle burning; the room shouldn't be comletely dark. Sit with your back to the light source.
The room should be absolutely silent. Sounds will jeopardize the possibility of seeing anything at all, for they will distract your mind from the process.
Ask your question. Questions asked can be about the past, present, or the future. Gaze into the sphere, not at it's outer surface or at any reflections from the room that may be visible. Let yourself go. Blink when necessary- there's no reason to strain your eyes. Also, don't concentrate. This is precisely the opposite state which you should be. Open your awareness.
The first sign that something is happening will be clouding of the crystal. It may seem to be filled with a milky white substance that swirls around within the sphere. Relax and keep gazing. The milkiness may change from white to other colors but not all seers have experienced this phenomenon. Eventually it will turn black.
Images will then appear within the sphere. Words will not be seen within the sphere. The symbols created within the crystal will usually relate to your question. Remember what you see- this is vital for later later interpretation. Don't attempt to unlock the message while actually gazing; focus on the symbols themselves.
Eventually, the messages will disolve into the mist, and the mist itself will seem to disappear, as if a curtain had been drawn across the ball. This always marks the end of the gazing session.