Honeysuckle Incense
(lonicera caprifolium,L.japonica,Fragrantissima)
Common Folk Names;
Eglantine, Goat's Leaf, Woodbine, Dutch Honeysuckle
Gender; Masculine
Planet; Jupiter
Element; Earth
Powers; Money, Psychic powers, Protection
Scent; Strong,Tart, Bittersweet
Magickal Uses;
Ring Green flowers with Honeysuckle to attract money or place them in a vase.
Lightly crush the fresh flowers and then rub on the forehead to heighten psychic powers.
Grow a honeysuckle plant outside near your home to bring Good Luck.
If it grows above the door it will keep fevers at bay for the household.
It helps with;
Animals determination, fidelity, honesty, inspiration, love, memory, wedding , wealth, wisdom, helps keep secrets.