Meeting Jackson
Copyright 2001 By NyghtOwl
(My First Spirit Guide)
I think the best part was when I met up with my Spirit Guide, a girl friend and I had just come home from a long trip over the Mountain, and while coming back into town that night.
We both could smell Whiskey in the backseat of her Truck.
WE were not drinking!!!.
But boy could we smell it... as she dropped me off at my home she started to leave and she yelled out and said Hey! that smell isn't here any longer..
NO kidding it was standing next to me.
As I didn't know at the time Who it was, or why it was with me-
I still asked him into my home and he stayed with me through everything that I was doing.
But this is how it happened to me.
When I met Jackson Waren Micheal Hamilton, he was my - well to my knowledge my First Spirit Guide, He told me how he had died, and where he died.. he told me how tall he was and what he looked like..
He would help me with Auto writing also- My hand writing was alot different than his hand writing.
But he was and always has been close to me through the years.
My Meadow / Oak Tree
Copyright 2001 By NyghtOwl
(April 1988)
This is about the Meadow with the Oak Tree w/Swing that my Spirit Guide would take me to while I was sleeping.
As a matter of fact my Friends that were in the Circle all went to the very same Meadow.
Except they would all come in at different areas of the Meadow..
How do I know this? I asked if any of them had ever been to the Oak Tree for a Swing with their Spirit Guides..
All of them said Yes! "we have gone to a place that has a Oak Tree,"
I then asked, can you see it now in your minds eye and draw it out for me so I can see if it looks like the place that I have visited.
I never showed them my picture till they were through drawing theirs.
They did it, and each one of their pictures that they drew looked just like mine, but at different angles of the Oak Tree and the Swing in the Meadow.
We then thought we had Spirit Guides that were connected in someway, we found out later that they were all related.
When visiting the Meadow with my Spirit Guide- Jackson, I would see my Friends from the Circle coming into the Meadow with their Spirit Guides, and once over the Boundaries their clothes would change.
Once we were all together each one of us would be dressed differently, all long dresses but in different colors.
The dress that I remember wearing, was the color of Light Blue with a Dark Blue petty-coat, w/pant-a-loons, and it looked like a Hoop Dress.