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SPIRIT GUIDES : FAQ About Spirit Guides (3)
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 11/25/2008 11:48 AM

*Will you always know who your guides are or what their names are?

While I know the identity of several of my guides, I do not know who all of them are. Some have given me names while others choose not to. This seems to be pretty much "standard" for Spirit Guides from what I've read. Some have no problem with giving you a name to identify them by and some will give you a symbol to use as a "name." For instance, one of my husband's guides showed him a domino when asked who he was, so now he calls him Domino as a "name" which is okay with the guide. And there are those who choose for one reason or another not to reveal their identity or a name. Some feel that we will be distracted by names and identities, I think, and choose to work unfettered by that.

*Can you see a Spirit Guide, or only sense the presence of one?

Seeing Spirit Guides is very much like all the other psychic-related things. Some see their guides and some don't; some see them part of the time. The book "The Eagle And the Rose," and it's sequel "Proud Spirit," by Rosemary Altea is an excellent example of someone who does see her guide, and does so consistently and constantly. I suspect the majority of us, though, don't actually see our guides. We can and do, however, sense them on many levels.

Personally, I haven't been able to open up too much to psychic vision (or physical manifestation of a guide), yet, so I haven't seen my guides for the most part. (I do see some of them in the bathroom mirror, though, when I choose to!) There are other ways of being aware that our guides are around. Many of the guides will "signal" you of their presence with scents or auditory sounds or by a touch on your arm.

Several of my guides have chosen these methods of letting me know when they're nearby. In fact, you can even pick out one of these means of contact, and request that your guide use it to initiate communication with you. Apparently the "standard" form of most spirits in the next dimensions is basically an energy form. And while all spirits seem to have unique energy forms - at least they can tell each other apart - we might not be able to.

The thing, though, is that they also have the capability of "molding" that energy form into the form and appearance of any and all of their incarnations on the earth physical plane. So, if they show themselves to us, or we are able to see them by some manner (psychically, etc.), then it is most common to see them in the form/incarnation that we will most likely recognize.

For instance, if a grandmother has passed over and then reappears to us, she's going to look pretty much like we remember her. The "exception" to this is that they do seem to favor the appearance where they looked the best. In other words, if they were 70 when they passed over, and maybe not in the best of health, it's likely that they will choose to use the form of how they looked at age 40 or 50.

That sort of thing. In the case of a guide we've not met or been acquainted with in this lifetime, if it's a deceased loved one that some other family member will recognize, the same still holds true. However, if no one now would "recognize" the person, then they will usually use the form from a lifetime that was especially important, memorable, or significant to them in their own soul growth. (This all holds true with any spirit contact such as my channeling sessions, "random visits" from deceased loved ones, dream visits, etc.)

*Can a Spirit Guide be a part of the psyche of a person who is still alive?

When I was first asked this question, my initial impulse was to say no, but as I thought more about it, I had to change my mind. The basis for my revised answer to this question is the multi-dimensionality of our being. If you discount or disbelieve that (which is okay ), then you'd be much more likely to answer it no, I think. Anyway, I do have to say that, yes, I believe it's possible for this to happen.

A case in point is my maternal grandmother. She is definitely one of my spirit guides, and one with whom I communicate on a fairly regular basis.

Now here's the interesting part: according to information that a psychic friend of mine has picked up, she -- or rather, a part of her essence -- has already reincarnated and is currently living as a young (about 12 years old) Indian boy somewhere in western Wyoming or eastern Montana (probably a member of the Lakota tribe).

There's that multi-dimensionality again! And yes it does seem to bare out a 'yes' answer to this question. To take this a bit farther. I think the possibility of a Spirit Guide being a guide and being "alive" in this world/time/reality, hinges directly on the concept of multi-dimensional beings.

And in that scenario I do not believe that the portion of the essence that is living in a physical body would be aware of what the portion of the essence, the higher self perhaps?, is doing as a Spirit Guide.

*The added question also arises speculating that if this is the case, then could a person act as a guide for another through astral travel or astral projections?

Personally, I don't see the spirit disconnecting, or astrally projecting, in order to go fulfill its duties as a spirit guide. At least not on a constant basis as a "full-time" guide. For one thing, the availability of contact and help would be extremely limited. I am willing, however, to consider that in an extreme case of "need" that a spirit can, and does astrally project in order to assist another spirit for some reason.

And maybe the need doesn't have to be all that extreme either; consider the situation of a healer astrally projecting and doing healing work on that plane, for instance, or a mother who is psychically and closely bonded with a child and goes to that child's aid at traumatic times. But this is all getting much more in-depth -- or esoteric -- than is fitting for a FAQ!

So I'll leave the further speculations and ponderings to you. or another time. This entire question/answer is intended mostly to give you something to think about and then keep, modify, or discard as you feel impressed to do.

*Can a Spirit Guide be someone who will be incarnating(or reincarnating) in the future?

To this one, I'd answer a resounding yes to that possibility. A belief in reincarnation isn't necessary here, in my humble opinion, because even if you believe in living only once, the answer would still be yes, in my book. I do think, though, that any soul or entity who would be incarnating in the near future, would most likely be a "temporary spirit guide."

Someone who has sort of popped in to help you with something specific for a short period of time, and then moves on to another phase of his/her own growth and development. I also think that our "permanent" or "main" spirit guides would be entities that have "signed on for the duration" and would not be incarnating (or reincarnating) any time soon. Or at least not in this time/dimension.

© 1997 Juanita Simser all rights reserved Permission is given to use this on a personal level and to share with individuals.

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